3.03: Once Upon A Time


It goes on.....
Apr 22, 2001
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Phoebe is driving and she stops when she sees a little girl in the road who appears to have been attacked by something. Phoebe takes the girl (Kate) home and Kate tells her about trolls. Phoebe looks in the Book of Shadows to find out about the trolls that are after Kate and the fairy princess, Thissle, she's keeping safe. Kate puts fairy dust on Prue and Phoebe so they can see the trolls and they act like little kids. Piper doesn't believe them about trolls. The trolls steal the key to Thissle's box. Then, Cole (who was in the house) morphs into a demon and trys to steal the Book of Shadows. Tthe trolls attack Piper at her club and she yells at "The Powers That Be" to give her back Leo. The girls recite the spell to let them see the magical creatures. Kate is turned into a fairy and she and Thissle are captured. The sisters free Kate and Thissle and kill the trolls. Leo orbs in and says that "they" are going to give him and Piper a chance, as long as it doesn't interfere with their work. Cole tells his shadow that he's getting close.

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