3.08: Sleuthing With The Enemy


It goes on.....
Apr 22, 2001
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Prue and Piper are making a potion to kill Belthazor. Phoebe is sad because Cole is missing. There's a bounty hunter after Belthazor. He escapes by transforming into Cole. Prue and Piper agree to defeat Balthazor by themselves, as long as Phoebe takes some of the potion with her. Prue and Piper try to summon Belthazor, but instead, they get the bounty hunter. They decide to work together. The bounty hunter, Krell, tells them that the source wants Belthazor for killing the Triad. Phoebe finds Cole. She runs home to get Leo and convinces him to cure him, but Leo can't because Cole is evil. Meanwhile, Krell, Piper, and Prue figure out that Cole is Belthazor. Belthazor tells Phoebe that he is half-human and that Phoebe awoke the human side of him. Krell shows up and Cole kills him. Phoebe lets Cole escape and tells her sisters she killed him.

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