3.16: Death Takes A Halliwell.


It goes on.....
Apr 22, 2001
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Prue sees a women taking pictures of ther and pheobe and spots a black shadow floating next to her. Inspector Davidson arrives and threatens Phoebe because he thinks she killed Cole's old landlady who was actually killed by demons. Prue follows Davidson and the lady while Phoebe goes to talk to Cole. Prue sees Inspector Davidson talking to the woman, Andrea. A seeker is waiting for Andrea and bites her. Prue comes in too late to save her. She sees the shadow thing turn into a man, who introduces himself as Death. Phoebe gets a premonition of the seekers attacking Davidson and of Prue turning away. Cole explains that the demons are seekers. They look up seekers in the Book and get a vanquishing spell. Cole senses the seekers nearby and shimmers out with Davidson. The seekers follow them and Prue astrals to them. She sees Death come for Davidson. Prue and Cole bring Davidson to the manor. Davidson escapes. Prue summons Death and askes what she needs to do to keep Davidson from dying. He tells her she's mad at him for taking her Mom and that he'll show her the "bigger picture". She disappears with him. Davidson goes with the seekers into a church with Piper and Phoebe following. Death and Prue come and she turns away as the seekers bite Davidson. Death takes Davidson. The sisters come and save Cole from the seekers. Prue is on the beach when Death arrives and tells her that she was next on him list if she hadn't let Davidson die.

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