3.20: Exit Strategy


It goes on.....
Apr 22, 2001
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Cole wakes up and sees Raynor, his old mentor. Raynor tells Cole he needs to get an amulet. When Cole goes to get it, the amulet provides a wall of protection for the witch, but Belthazor reaches through it and takes the amulet. Raynor comes later and kills the witch, so that when Phoebe and Prue get there it looks like Cole killed her. Piper and Leo are at the passport agency so they can go on their honeymoon when Piper accidently blows up a clock. Leo orbs to Prue and Phoebe and tells them that if the two amulets are together they can protect against any evil and that Piper's at home dealing with her "problem". Cole gives Raynor the amulet. Raynor tells Cole to retrieve the other amulet and this time, he has to kill the witch. Piper is really distressed with her new power, whenever she trys to freeze something, she blows it up. Cole tells Phoebe that he has to get the second amulet. Cole trys to get it, but fails because of the Halliwells. Raynor tells Cole that if he gets the amulet, he'll free his father's soul. Piper blows him up a demon with her new power. Raynor comes and casts a spell on Belthazor to make him kill Jenna. Phoebe watches while Cole kills Jenna and smashes the potion to make him mortal at his feet.

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