your wish is my command <G>
The gate is open, bodies on the ground, we hear shouts, Fraiser is triaging the wounded. We see Tok'ra fleeing….we're at the alpha site. One of them comes through, bringing a box. A Jaffa comes forward, the Tok'ra pushes him aside. It is revealed that he's brought a zatarc detector.
Jake finally makes it (yes, we get Bra'tac, Rak'nor, AND Jacob <G>)…he disabled the dhd on the planet, Risa I think. He set off a bomb equivalent to a nuke. Says noone is following them, and that noone knows the addy to the alpha site. Apparently this is a secret even the Tok'ra in general don't know.
The Tok'ra were set upon by the forces of nuby. Aknor, chief of Tok'ra security. Less than ¼ of the Tok'ra have made it.
Malek is surprised at the number of Jaffa. Sam tells him that there are a lot here, have been since yu's attack. There are also hundreds more acting like a fifth column among the goa'uld.
There is obvious tension between the Tok'ra and Jaffa
At the alpha site. ,memorial service for the Tok'ra. They destroy the bodies by opening the gate and vaporizing them. A small fight breaks out between a Tok'ra and a Jaffa. The Jaffa see the Tok'ra as no better than the goa'uld. Jack breaks it up.
Jack tells the Tok'ra that if it wasn't for the Jaffa, the Tok'ra should be dead. The Tok'ra say that 'we've been fighting them longer than you have'
Sam tells jack that the Tok'ra have problems with their quarters. Jack says to tell them if they don't like it, leave. Sam goes, do you really want me to tell them that….yes….no. ok I'll do it.
Jack and Jake talk. Kanan used jack, breaking Tok'ra law. Jake regrets that jack never had a true blending; it might have changed his feelings about the Tok'ra. The blending of two personalities does have its drawbacks..tell me about it. Jack hates the word implanted. Even Selmac was sickened by what Kanan did. But Kanan did a wrong, trying to do the right thing. They have a lovely talk. Jack likes Jake…but not the other Tok'ra.
Jake can see that the animosity is history. The Tok'ra just got their butts kicked by a bunch of Jaffa of anubis'..see why they're not in a good mood. There is word/thought that the end of the Tok'ra is coming.
The next morning
Sam briefs jack that someone rigged one of the naquadah reactors to explode. They have a saboteur. Sam babbles, jack cuts her off. The reactor can create damage miles in circumference.
Jack suggests that they need to lock down the gate, keep the bad guy on world. Jonas is back at the sgc and can't come play.
Jack tells everyone that they have to stay. We have a saboteur and have to find him. They chose the alpha site because it's addy is unknown to the goa'uld…and it has to stay that way. Jack wants to question the Tok'ra first, because there wasn't trouble until they came. They want to use the zatarc detector as a lie detector
To the zatarc detector.
Malek is being tested, he passes. The Jaffa will need to be tested, Bra'tac asks jack if he trusts the Tok'ra totally, jack says, no, but enough to be tested too.
Teal'c breaks up a little fight…and we find a dead Tok'ra.
They question the Jaffa the dead Tok'ra had words with. They want to zatarc him, he doesn't trust the Tok'ra machine. Bra'tac convinces him. He fails. But they don't know if he failed because he killed the guy, or because he was simply hiding something . 'It's given false positives before, we've seen it' Sam says.
They agree to lock the Jaffa up, until Janet can do the autopsy. She takes an x-ray. Someone stuck a knife in the back of the tokra's neck, killing both host and Tok'ra. Bra'tac says it wasn't a Jaffa, Jaffa do not seek revenge at the back.
An alarm goes off, the go to the cellblock and the accused Jaffa is dead.
Janet and Sam are looking over the body, it was killed frontally
Malek suggests that the Jaffa knew his killer.
They go outside, groups of Jaffa/Tok'ra
Little tensions rise…they all draw their weapons. Malek says a Tok'ra would not have killed the Jaffa.
Bra'tac finds footprints. Can't tell whose they are. Everyone is accounted for. Jack says they'll split up, human/Jaffa/Jaffa, one of each in a group
They're going through the woods. Teal'c finds three dead, jack sees the trees move. Tells Sam to RV with Teal'c. Jack and Bra'tac and Malek go off after the tree rustler.
It attacks Bra'tac and Malek. Malek can't fire, he can't see it, there's nothing to see. Bra'tac is dragged off into the trees.
Teal'c has Malek by the throat, cursing him for leaving Bra'tac behind. Malek says if he didn't, then they'd have no idea what had happened. He had to get the word out.
It was invisible, personal cloaking device. Sam says, nirti had that. She could have come through the gate. Jake says that nirti is still renegade. Malek and Sam techno babble. They come up with a way to rig a reactor to show the bad guy.
It is revealed that all the dead were killed by the same weapon. Teal'c says it's an ashrak. They need ters to see it. Malek asks Sam if she can do something to the naq reactor..make their own ter.
They're at the gate, tense, waiting. Sam is working on it. We see monster vision, it starts attacking them, tossing people all over. One Jaffa kills a Tok'ra in friendly fire. It manages to snag a gdo and runs away.
Jack says #1 priority is to hold the gate.
They're still waiting. 'A Jaffa has many senses with which to fight' Teal'c says. They power it up, jack feels all tingly. It's caused by the energy field. Jack likes it. <G>
They can crank it up, but then it's harder to sustain. They crank it up, it reveals something. It hits Sam. Some shooting. She brings it back on line. Pierce is by the gate; they gotta keep the monster away. It comes up behind Teal'c and Rak'nor. Teal'c senses it, he pushes Rak'nor aside. More shooting. Jack grabs a big honkin gun, lots more shooting. Like a whole season's worth of bullets.
Sam gets it back online. It reveals a shape, comes at Malek and jack….jack draws his knife, he's out of ammo…a staff blast gets it…killing it…and the shooter is……..BRA'TAC!!!! (yes!)
The ashrak left him for dead. Obviously was mistaken.
Sam retrieves the gdo. Bra'tac takes the askrak's knife. Malek apologizes to Bra'tac. Pledges his friendship. Bra'tac accepts it. 'this single blade did what we could not. It has brought us together. This blade has spilled the blood of the Jaffa, Tok'ra and of the Tau'ri. By the hand of our common enemy, it has made us brothers. Together we have insured that it will never spill our blood again.'
The end
Next Friday….the cure.