6.17: Disclosure


The Stargate program may become knowledge to another Country other then America and Russia.

I'm thinking CHINA!
Nope I have not heard any more on any of the news ones....but I am sure waiting for more news...:D
Will the world be apprised of the existence of the Stargate? The consequences of 'Descent' did not go unnoticed by the world's powers, who convene. They are shocked to be apprised of the gate's existence, as well as the grave threat to Earth. However, a worse disaster could face everyone when it's proposed that control of the Stargate be handed over to a particular government agency ...
['Disclosure' is] potentially a 'clip' episode, in which sequences from past episodes are interspersed with the episode. Look for the return of Major Davis, Colonel Chekov, and ... someone who should have been dead."

Guest characters include British Ambassador,Chinese Ambassador, French Ambassador and Russian Aide.

More info look at:
Well, actually the quote from Gateworld is directly from SG1_spoilme :blush:

I know who should be dead, wish he was dead (or gone), but like a cockroach, he keeps coming back ;)
Apophios? or Apophricator?
pheeeooph...who then?
Peter Wingfield...uh I mean Tanith?
Nope, not Tanith...

Think of someone who is a thorn in Jack's side, in fact, SG-1's side.

There' also an institute (a real one) on sexual behavior with the same name "The _____ Institute".

Come on, it's simple! ;)
This puzzler, which gives you the answer, was on SG1_Spoilme, where the answer is actually posted as someone figured it out quickly <G>Okay, here's the answer to who should be dead but isn't
in "Disclosure"

Read what's below very carefully.

19 49 34 39

Yes, that's the answer. It's rather elemental. The answer also
carries some weight. But don't torment yourself over it. Think about the numbers periodically.
Ok my thinking is not the best on a sunday night...I wanna know...tell us!! LOL

That's sooo easy! ( not to brag or n/ething) but I know the answer now! YAY!

I thought it was gonna be that character anyway!
Originally posted by lisasg1
That's sooo easy! ( not to brag or n/ething) but I know the answer now! YAY!

I thought it was gonna be that character anyway!

Wanna tell the rest of us?? ;)
Er, GRAY hair.

Simmons brown hair
Mayborne ditto
Kawalsky's dead and had brown hair

He's got gray hair
Jack hates him (well, nobody at the sGC likes him)
gads, don't want to give it all away...um, er....
He's got a dog!
I thought you said he was thought to be dead though!