Fail Safe (1964)


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Fail Safe

Made at the same time as 'Dr. Strangelove', this film tells the story of an American B-58 atomic bomber set to destroy Moscow, with the president forced to destroy New York in retaliation.

This does not however treat the subject as black comedy, but as a deadly serious terrifying and convincing situation.
I haven't seen the original, but I did see the recent remake. It is quite interesting actually, they made it as a live production on the television. Lots of A and B list actors lined up to star in it. I get the impression that it was kept to an almost identical script as the original.

Here's a link to the remake's imdb page:

I found the film to be gut-wrenchingly frightening. It doesn't seem to be that much of a stretch to imagine that this could have easily been a reality. I wonder did this film and Dr. Strangelove work off exactly the same subject matter/source? They have incredibly similar storylines.
This is an absolutely incredible film. (The original, i've yet to see the remake.) I only saw it once and was blown away by the acting (excuse the pun.) Does anyone know if this is available on DVD?

I'd really recommend this to anyone.
Just an off-topic point Rodders. Because of the age of all these ASciFi threads you are reviving (AsciFi was merged with Chronicles) I am not currently subscribed to all of these threads, even if I am the thread starter. So, if I don't reply I'm not ignoring you.

I also wonder what happened to Tabitha.

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