Showtime watchers - what's the lowdown on "Jeremiah"?


Save Angel!
Jun 13, 2001
Hey folks, I was watching Hart's War on DVD (three words, Colin... Farrell... Yum...) and in the special features there was a double advertisement for SG1 and Jeremiah. While I had heard about Jeremiah over the last six months or so, I haven't heard any reviews or general synopses.

I KNOW there are bound to be people with Showtime in here, so please tell us what Jeremiah is like! I am dying to know :)
Here I am, for the people that haven't see it yet, I hope you have the opportunity to see it soon. Because believe me I think is great. Well the story is about a kind of virus called The Big Death that cause all the adults of the world to die letting only the children alive. So we know Jeremiah the main character, he knows on the road the other main character Kurdy. We see the adventures of this two as they go from place to place, Jeremiah is looking for a place called Valhalla Sector because his father mention it to him before dissapear. In one of their adventures they found Simon who comes from a place called in some places The End of The World. After Simon's death they go to this place because he give them a message to deliver and Markus , the leader of the place ask them to continue with Simon's work and be one of the field groups for the Mountain group. They accept and Jeremiah specially if they let him continue his search of the Vallhalla Sector. Now we see the adventures of Jeremiah and Kurdy with the Mountain group and his search for the Valhalla Sector.

Krystal :p
Thanks Guys (and cool new forum!)

Those were some good links there Dave.
Just need to SEE it now ;)
If you haven't started watching this yet, get started. After the season finale this week, they will repeat season 1 - so here's your chance. It's a really cool show, different, but still scifi!:D
Originally posted by HeyLynny
If you haven't started watching this yet, get started. After the season finale this week, they will repeat season 1 - so here's your chance. It's a really cool show, different, but still scifi!:D
Nice idea in theory, but I am afraid I am not blessed with SHowtime... :mad: no fair :)
Just gotta wait for it to eventually hit other channels..... Or come out on DVD, I would be happy with that too :D
Originally posted by Dave
Ok, I've got some episode reviews here:

Hey Dave, altough that url is the official MGM site for Jeremiah I think the Showtime official site is better because they update it more. The MGM site is not updated much. They don't have all the episodes review, the Showtime site have all the episodes review till the recent ones. The url is

Krystal :rain:
Tabitha, sorry you don't have SHOWTIME. :( It sucks to have to wait to see shows that other people are watching now.
Originally posted by Tabitha

Or come out on DVD, I would be happy with that too :D

Although I have Showtime, I'm totally waiting for the DVD. I definitely want to have this in my collection. :D

Krystal :p
Originally posted by Krystal
Hey Dave, altough that url is the official MGM site for Jeremiah I think the Showtime official site is better because they update it more. The MGM site is not updated much. They don't have all the episodes review, the Showtime site have all the episodes review till the recent ones. The url is

And that's the other thing that "sucks"! As the 'Stargaters' already know, if you live outside the US you cannot access that 'Showtime' website except by being some kind of IT genius and routing your connection via proxy servers
Really? That is truly weird... It let me in, and I am in Canada, but I think you can get showtime here too.

Seems to me that the two sites are very similar, though, so you aren't missing too much. Especially since we haven't actually seen the show yet!
Weird! If I click on the link Krystal gave I can get it too!

But if I go through the front page I get

We at Showtime Online express our apologies; however, these pages are intended for access only from within the United States.

We encourage you to visit our other exciting sites:

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Code: ZZZZ20020715195.93.48.10
That is strange, and really stupid. Why they wouldn't give access to fans on other countries, that only help to promote the series and the channel. Well, I'm not in the US, so I don't know why I can see it.

By the way I forget to tell you that the only problem with their sypnosis is that after the episode they put a long one, almost tell you everything that happen in the episode. So to the people that haven't see it yet and don't want to see the spoilers, better don't look at it. Also, they do an error and put the sypnosis for the season finale of this friday, so don't look at the new episode because you literally will see everything that will happen. I was lucky and after read the first part stop reading. :eek:

Krystal :p

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