A question of canon?


Jan 12, 2002
I haven't seen 'The Abyss' yet, but I'm told that, after Jack has been in Baal's sarcophagus, his shirt still has holes in it from the staff weapon blast and the darts that Baal threw at him.

In 'Serpent's Lair', when Daniel dragged himself into Klorel's sarcophagus, his shirt was also repaired while he was in there. We wondered if it had reloaded his rifle too, which he took in with him, but left behind when he dived through the wormhole.

Question: Is this departure from canon a continutuity error?

Could Baal not afford the super deLuxe model?

Or was the clothing repair function on the blink? (Where is 'sarcophagus-repair-man' when you need him?)

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
While a sarc that mends a body is useful, a sarc that mends your clothes...wow! Think of all the holey socks and all the ripped jeans you could fix with one of those babies! Fell down? Got a boo-boo? Ripped your jeans, too? No problemo. Just step right in and...presto! I wonder, does it clean your clothes, too?

Honestly, I think 'Serpent's Lair' was a screw-up. But then, 'Abyss' was a screw-up, too or did anyone else not notice how the first time Jack comes out of the sarc he has knife holes in his shirt even though he hasn't been stabbed yet...? Hmmm? :eek: Oh, well.
Oooh! I could go for one of those, but only if Baal comes with it! I could think of a thing or two, or three to do with him as well!

However, to answer Hat's query, I would say that Baal wouldn't use his 'Super De Luxe' model sarc on a piddling little nuisance like Jack O'Neill. So the Economy Model probably doesn't have the clothing repair and cleaning as part of its functions. It'll just have the basic stuff like...Setting 1: fix wounds and restore from death. Setting 2: Fix wounds and restore from light coma. Setting 3: Fix wounds and lightly moisturise skin.

:D :D :D

I imagine Baal has the Super Model all to himself, in pride of place in the middle of his bedchamber, ready and waiting for him to jump in when he feels the need for a restoration after a night's exertions with a bevy of slave girls.

Mind you, he wouldn't need a bevy of slave girls if he was locked up in my bedchamber!

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I think that the Serpent's Lair episode was a continuity mistake too. Every time I see that episode I watch for that bit and howl with laughter.
Originally posted by Sandman
But then, 'Abyss' was a screw-up, too or did anyone else not notice how the first time Jack comes out of the sarc he has knife holes in his shirt even though he hasn't been stabbed yet...?
I have to move the VCR back to the living room to review it again. If it's not intentional, it's a crying shame. We usually have to work so hard to catch them.
I'll take setting #3 Anni, the: Fix wounds and lightly moisturise skin sounds soothing...;)
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