X-Men Comics

ray gower

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2001
I managed to buy a current X-Men comic the other day, to see just what is going on. Essential X-Men number 89 if anybody is interested.

The task as simple as it sounds, proved to be anything but, try
http://www.ascifi.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14216 for the exploits in obtaining the dratted thing.

As for the comic. Apart from the price, which in retroflect is no worse than they used to be £2.40 against 45p for a weekly like the Beano, as opposed to 2/6 and 6d. I am in two minds.

Rather like the comic actually.

Having read it four times, I am still unsure if there are three or six stories within its pages. I don't recall the originals being that complicated or disjointed. Perhaps somebody has volume 88 and can clarify my confusion?

Most were like the reprint of the X-Men Enter the Avengers, which I remember from the first time around. Just capable of explaining enough to allow occaisional buyers like me to decipher what was actually going on.

Graphics wise, they have not improved for all the obvious use of computers in production. The heavy outlining has gone granted. But in its place has come over complicated backgrounds. And whilst Rogue has a most delightfully female shape, I can't help feeling that a lot of the detail has been lost compared to Jean's hotpants.

Still perhaps I'll buy the next edition. Just to see if it clarifys some of my confusion?
Originally posted by ray gower
Still perhaps I'll buy the next edition. Just to see if it clarifys some of my confusion?
Sadly the next edition did nothing for my confusion. Merely heightening it considerably. Disappearing, as it does, on something completely different. I had to check the issue numbers and title three times to ensure I had got the right one!

And the punch line, one of the X-Men dies
This thread is old -- ;)

Ray - did you ever get other issues and find out what's going on?

Anyway - I picked up reading Astonishing X-Men (what? Joss Whedon's writing it - why wouldn't I??) - and so far, I think it's 6 issues in, I'm enjoying the story. I haven't really been a comic person - *shrug* - but, I like this (and not just b/c it's Joss - the stories are interesting) -

Can't really comment on the graphics - they don't look bad, I don't guess, and I haven't really looked at any other books...

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