Ben Bova


Attempt no landings.
Jun 3, 2004
Anybody read anything by this author? I just finished Venus by him and enjoyed it. This book is one in a series he is doing on various planets in our solar system.

I just started Jupiter and it seems he is following a standard formula for this series of books; central character with issues to deal with, rises above those issues by going through a cathartic experience while investigating strange discoveries on the planet in question. He writes these books as Hard Science Fiction which I tend to prefer.


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I've heard a lot well-said about Mars - but I'm also given over to the impression that Bova effectively writes the same story for all the different planets - so that if you've read one, then the others will hold little surprise for you. Just thought I'd chime in with that. :)
I'm only on the third book in the series and yes they do follow similar formats. The interesting part that differentiates them is the type of life he comes up with for each distinct planet. That alone keeps my imagination going and why I forgive him for the repetitive technique.

His version of life outside of Earth seems more realistic for the present I suppose.

Thanks for the comment!
Has anyone here ever read his wonderfully funny comic novel The Star Crossed? :D
Read Colony years ago. I dont rrmember much about it apart from quite enjoying it at the time.

Bova used to edit Omni magazine.
I read most of his Grand Tour series. Nothing groundbreaking about them, but they were enjoyable enough
He's very good. And he's one of my favourite hard SF authors. I cannot pick a favourite book, because I like them all.
There is an interview with him on Omnireboot:
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