Sign the Save Futurama Petition!

Tell me about, I think I actually *shock horror* like Futurama more than the Simpsons!!!!

Stupid, stupid Fox...... :mad:
Signed it.

Wow! 146977 so far!

Futurama is a great show. It has so much potential for great storylines.
I heard fox never really put a lot of effort into advertising the show - they probably thought with the popularity of the Simpson's that it didn't need any.
Toon Network Nabs Futurama

SCIFI WIRE - The Cartoon Network has bought the cable-TV rights to the 72 half-hour reruns of Fox's SF animated series Futurama, Variety reported. Cartoon will schedule Futurama somewhere in its weekly Adult Swim block, from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Sundays, starting in January 2003, the trade paper reported.

A Sunday-night success on the Fox Network since it debuted in March 1999, Futurama has slipped in the ratings in the last year or so, the trade paper reported. Fox hasn't made it official, but the show is unlikely to come back after it burns off its final original 16 or so episodes during the upcoming 2002-'03 season, where it's scheduled on Sundays at 7 p.m., the trade paper added.
A bit silly 2 have it that late in the day isn't?

I mean especially at 22:00 hrs :eek:

Cartoon Network used to finish at 8pm (I'm not sure if it still does). All little cartoon watchers ought to be in bed by then. So maybe they are looking for some late evening programming to extend their hours for a more adult audience.

Anyhow, maybe the petition writers might have a better chance of success if they address it to the Cartoon Network instead.
Cartoon Network has a bunch of more adult-oriented cartoons that it shows at night, as the Scifiwire article suggests.
I believe that Fox is still the production company though, and there has been no 'official' word that Futurama is definitely not returning, so there is hope yet. I think the Cartoon Network does have its own productions too, so if their screenings go well, perhaps they might buy the rights (or whatever) to produce new eps (fingers crossed).

Here's some further info and a little bit of commentary from

It's official!
The Cartoon Network bought the right to rerun all 72 Futurama episodes for the next 5 years. According to Variety (which I can't link to as they have a subscriber only policy) the non-exclusive contract is said to be worth about $10m. It "will take our Adult Swim programming to a whole different level," said Jim Samples. Reruns are meant to start in January in Cartoon Network's 10pm to 1am Adult Swim block.
This said:

* It does give FOX some additional incentive to order more episodes, as $10m is probably about 20% of the total costs FOX had with Futurama.
* It might allow American Futurama DVDs to get on the market in the next few years
* Futurama gets to show how well it works with an older audience.

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