"Once More With Feeling" soundtrack

Anyone buy this?? It's pretty cool --

It doesn't have any of the dialogue or sound effects from the show like the various MP3s all over the web have (not that having the dialogue or sound effects is bad), it's just the music and vocal tracks -- and it's great quality!

There are some 'extra' pieces on it too -- including a track w/ a woman (whose name I can't remember) and Joss Whedon singing "Something to Sing About" -- yeah - Joss sings the part that James sings to Buffy - just in case you were wondering! :D

There are some cool pics in the sleeve too --- it's interesting -
i just bought it and i love it! my roommate first thought i was retarded for listening to it over and over so much, but now i've got her singing the songs!:rolly2:
Originally posted by tokyogirl
i just bought it and i love it! my roommate first thought i was retarded for listening to it over and over so much, but now i've got her singing the songs!:rolly2:
Hehe, i bought it ages ago, but just found this thread :D i loved reading the bit Joss wrote at the beginning :D and the pics :D the woman singing with Joss on some of the tracks is his wife, whose name escapes me. I have my little sister hooked to Buffy now and she knows all the words to the songs too :D its almost cute :)

I hum the songs at school and sometimes dont even realize, so now my friends hum them too and they have no idea how they know them or what they are hehe ;)

know which 2 get stuck in your head the most? 'i've got a theory' and 'i'll never tell'. those 2 get stuck in my head all the time! and it happens so easily too! sometimes it can be a little agrivating.
OMG! those two tracks --- "I Have a Theory" and "I'll Never Tell" - they are just too catchy! I hate that -- (that they get stuck in m'head, not the songs)

Sometimes I'll get 'Going Through the Motions' too - or "Walk Through the Fire" -- (think I get this one the most, but geeez) -

Every now and then, I'll catchy m'self w/ "What You Feel" -

I have that CD w/ me here at work today -- might shove it in after I get MB20 all worked through ------
I always hum "Where Do We Go From Here" and sing Tara's song :D i love it :D they are the kinda songs that will stay with you for years :)

I just bought it , I haven't listened to it yet, it took me ages to get the damn sticker off the case. But so far I've read Joss' intro :D :lol:. I think I'll start listening to it now... :)
wanna know a trick to getting those stickers off? the long ones they put across the top --

pop the front and back of the case apart - and pull the top, slowly, at an angle (sort of) across the bottom - the sticker pulls off - and it's not so much of a pain -- sister taught me that - she learned it from some guy at school ---

the 'dog bones' on the edge - eh - maybe those work the same way - but I think they don't use those so much anymore ---
the way i always get them off is to get a corner started and then pull diagonally upwards. it usually ends up splitting it in 2 pieces, but as long as you get it all off of one side you can pull from the top to get the rest off.
I have a feeling Joss' wife's name is Kai, i think.

I love the Parking Ticket! It's such a "Buffy" song! If I knew it was from a tv program but didn't know which one id guess buffy!

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