The FK Virtual Series

Highlander II

There can be only one!!
Jun 6, 2001

Anyone read any of this?

I haven't yet, b/c I haven't seen all the episodes - or enough of them for an extension of the series to make sense --

but - was wondering if anyone had read the Virtual S4 -- (I think they ran it in 1996) --

And - is anyone still writing it? or did they stop?

I'm just full of questions ----
I read most of it way back when. I think they're still writing new "episodes" on the fkfanfic group, but the fkfanfic listmommy/webmistress has been hit pretty hard by real life. Nobody's seen or heard from her since 2000.
I've read most of them, they're very good. There is a main fan fiction mailing list for the fandom, which you can also sign up for new v4s eps if they are written. There are various mailing lists for the FK factions as well. Most of them are on yahoogroups.

There's a faction for pretty much any relationship or character on the show. For example, those who like Nick & Nat are Nick&Natpackers. Nick himself has several factions. LC has one or two, not counting the relationship factions. Screed even has one. FORKNI-L does a round-robin war once a year or so, and that's how the factions got started. Some of the fiction that comes out is absolutely hilarious. I ended up getting my hair dyed purple last year (in fiction, not in RL.) is the page that tells you how to subscribe to the main lists, including V4S.

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