2.06: Marauders


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Marauders: 2.05

Episode Title: 'Marauders'
Episode Number: 205
Original Airdate: October 16, 2002

Rumoured to feature the Enterprise heading to a far-off Quonset mining colony to obtain deuterium supplies. Upon arriving, the Enterprise crew find Klingons raiders are forcing the colonists to give up all their deuterium, and Captain Archer decides to help the colonists.

TREK TODAY -- Sources revealed the first plot information on 'Marauders,' the fifth episode of Enterprise's second season and one that is expected to begin shooting in the coming week. Although the full story of the episode has not yet been revealed, the below synopsis does give a preview at what the Enterprise will encounter during the first half of 'Marauders.'

Possibly the most significant aspect of the 'Marauders' script is its revelation that the Klingons now have access to transporter technology. However, please keep in mind that the below synopsis is only based on an early version of the script, and aspects of the story may still change before actual shooting begins.

After recently taking heavy damage, the Enterprise is in desperate need of deuterium supplies and makes its way to a Quonset mining colony. Captain Archer, T'Pol and Trip take down a shuttle to the colony to negotiate with the alien leader Tessic, but they find him surprisingly cool and unwilling to sell any of of his deuterium stocks. Pointing at his filled storage tanks, Tessic says all the stocks have been promised to another trading partner, and the colony is already running behind schedule. It's only after Captain Archer promises to help repair two broken deuterium pumps that the Quonset hesitantly agree to trade.

Once the aliens agree to this, the Enterprise crew begin to strike up some tentative friendships with the aliens. Trip meets a young boy named Q'ell, who takes an active interest in the shuttlepod and wants to learn to fly it. Phlox takes the female doctor E'Lis on a tour through sickbay, as they need to pick which medical supplies the Enterprise will trade for the deuterium. E'Lis is surprised by the equipment Phlox wants to offer her, saying she could never take such expensive equipment. In turn, Phlox is taken aback by the medication E'Lis does request, including gels protecting against plasma burns and a cardio-stimulator: they all suggest the miners are running far more risk than would be expected from a normal deuterium processing plant.

Back on the planet, it soon becomes clear this is no normal deuterium installation when a group of heavily armed Klingons transport down into the miner village. Archer, T'Pol and Trip look from a hut as Tessic speeds toward the Klingons in an effort to greet them on the village square and keep them away from the hut the Enterprise crew is in. He is roughly embraced by the Klingon leader Korok, who demands food and drink for his men, but all appearance of civility is stripped away when Tessic nervously begins to explain he'll need more time to process all the deuterium the Klingons need.

This is not a message Korok appreciates. He wounds one of the Quonset miners, then turns to Tessic and tells him to have all the supplies ready in one week. After the Klingons beam away again, Archer finally gets some answers from the Quonset. It turns out the Klingons have been coming to the colony for five seasons now, stealing so much deuterium the miners always barely have anything left to get them through the winter. There's nothing the Quonset have been able to do to stop this: their homeworld is out of communications range, and when they tried to rebel three seasons ago, seven miners were killed. Clearly, there's a new mission for the Enterprise crew...

'Marauders' is thought to be the fifth episode of Enterprise's second season. No creative staff or guest cast details are yet known about the episode, but it will likely air in late October.
Trek Web has revealed the following detailed plot spoilers:

It sees the return of the "Vox Sola" aliens -- The Kreeteesans.

TREK WEB -- The episode begins as the Enterprise has been sent to a Quonset mining colony after a Kreeteesan merchant informed them it'd be a good place to resupply with deuterium after recent damage the ship took. Upon arriving, Archer, Trip and T'Pol take a shuttlepod down to the outskirts of the colony and meet with Tessic, the administrator of the facility.

Tessic is courteous and eager to help but he informs Archer that all the deuterium reserves they currently have on-hand have been promised to another buyer. Archer assures Tessic that a fair trade is possible but Tessic is unwilling to negotiate. An associate, Maklii, suggests that perhaps the Enterprise team could offer some help repairing two of their deuterium pumps, which are offline.

Trip returns to the shuttlepod to find Q'ell, a ten-year-old child, who has taken an interest in the shuttlepod. The two begin to talk about ships and Trip introduces himself as the chief engineer of the visiting starship. Q'ell demonstrates that he is familiar with spacecraft and wants to learn to fly the shuttlepod. Trip agrees to take him for a ride when they return to Enterprise.

Meanwhile, E'Lis -- a female doctor -- visits with Phlox in Sickbay to get some medical supplies such as dermaline gel, hexatriol, a neuro shock kit and a cardio-stimulator. Phlox gives her an auto-suture device as a gift, which she is reluctant to accept at first because she believes it is expensive. Phlox is doubtful of why she needs some of the supplies, however; hexatriol, for instance, is used for plasma burns. E'Lis assures him that deuterium when ignited can be similar to plasma.

But soon the cautiousness of the colonists is revealed when Klingons materialize at the colony, lead by Korok. They begin to pillage and fire some shots in the air and Tessic greets him warmly. Tessic explains that Korok is ahead of schedule and the damaged deuterium pumps have put them behind.

Tessic keeps Korok away from the main hut, where Archer and his party are hiding and explains the situation to Korok. Archer, Trip and T'Pol observe from inside the hut only T'Pol can hear what is being said outside: Archer and Trip are amazed at her excellent Vulcan hearing.

But conversation soon turns to violence as Korok threatens the miners to get the deuterium in one week before beaming away. Maklii is injured from the incident and taken inside the hut and for E'Lis to administer medical attention.

Archer confronts Tessic, who reveals that Korok and his band have stolen most of the deuterium for the last five seasons and barely leave enough to make the colonists through the winters. Tessic says they tried to resist in the past but four of the colonists died fighting the Klingons. Archer seems interested to help (though he doesn't say so) since the miners' homeworld is too distant offer assistance. He communicates with Malcolm on the Enterprise, who reports that the Klingon ship has gone to warp...
Another good Klingon episode.. So good scenes and action.
hmmm, it was a while ago that I saw this one...can't remember much other than Entreprise helping to trick the Klingons. Must have been an ok episode other wise I'd have remembered whether I really hated it or really loved it...
Just three words...

The Magnificent Seven.

Possibly the most significant aspect of the 'Marauders' script is its revelation that the Klingons now have access to transporter technology.

I wondered about this when they beamed out at the end. Enterprise hasn't used the transporter much at all since the first episode, I thought it would have been a good way to rescue Malcolm in 'Minefield'. The Klingons obviously have far superior transporter technology.
did they not say anything about not being able to use the transporter for rescuing Malcom? Can't remember. Anyhoo off topic anyways. :rolleyes: I dunno, would all those people really put up with the few Klingons for that long? Even with losing people the first time they rebelled?