No FS in September!

Mysterious Stranger

Gigi's "Spark"
Feb 24, 2001
Now I don't want to get off on a rant here but...

Just checked out and their all-knowing "schedulebot" and it looks like we arent' getting any Farscape during the month of September. :angryfire Instead they are showing double eps of Stargate SG-1. I don't know if FS will be back in October. We'll just have to wait and see.

Oh, and the last eppy scheduled is 4:11 Unrealized Reality on 8/23. On the 30th they are showing movies, Labor Day weekend and all.

I'll let y'all know if I hear any good news.

Later Scapers...!!!
There's never any Farscape in September... or October... or November, usually. That's when the big networks start their new shows, and SciFi has always been timid about competition.

What I don't understand is why they don't show reruns with the reruns of SG-1 they'll be airing. Friday's will be all Fox for me until FS comes back. With Fire Fly and John Doe on Fox Fridays, there will be no Stargate for me. I only barely tolerate it as it is... and only the 11:00 one because it's sandwiched between two showings of FS.

But I'm sure SciFi is used to losing me for these three months. Just as long as we don't have to wait until April again. Last year really sucked because we had to wait from Aug. 24th to April 5th just to see the final four of season three.

This wait will be for the second half of the season. With that many episodes behind them, they'll probably let us see them all fairly close together. I can live with that.
Now I don't want to get off on a rant here but...

I have it on good authority that Farscape WILL be returning in January 2003! So we don't have to wait that long. And with all the really cool new genre shows coming out this fall (and some old faves as well) the new year will be here faster than you can blink!
Januar 2003 is still 4 1/2 Month away! YOu call that not to long??? AAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! :(
we waited an entire year for 6.1 how can they make us wait longer

again thank god for 1 meg lines
and another thing yeah breaks are anoying .. and ive been to the states and watched TV their ... OMG how do u lot in the states accualy get to watch the Show with all them damn adverts every frelling 5 seconds
Now I don't want to get off on a rant here but...

First, Grifter, 4 1/2 months is a lot shorter than the almost 8 months we had to wait for the final four of S3 so I consider us lucky.

And, Giz, the answer to your question is that we Yanks are known for our short attention spans. For some reason we can't make it more than 5-9 minutes without-

OOOOHHHH!!! Check out the new Victoria's Secret ad!
u said it lol .. i was in florida at the time and i was enjoying a film and every 5 mins there was a add i was like bah and turned of the tv coz i couldnt follow it long enough to get what was goin on with out a shampoo add getting in the way
But the guys LOVE those Victoria's Secret adds... Wonder Bras= wonder boobs. :lol:

Giz, this is a nation of consumers, millions of 'em. They gotta show us what we're missing out on so we'll go buy it as soon as the tube's off. ;) I usually channel surf during commercials. My attention span's great... most of the time.
funny thing is the adverts are longer in leanth than the acual program
Not quite, but it does seem that way at times.

The real funny thing is, when Farscape stops here, it'll start in the UK! :lol: What timing!
Now I don't want to get off on a rant here but...

That's very interesting news PkGrl. I think I just might have an idea.

Seeing as how my companies corporate headquarters are in Ireland, I just might have to transfer there for the fall. Just to get my Farscape fix. Course, I'll be back for the con. Wouldn't miss that.

<end of hallucinatory fantasy sequence>
Well, I hate long waitings but ok is true is less time than the other big break. What I really don't understand is why they will not do reruns. Although I have to admit that I really not a very rerun person. But I suppose its better than nothing. :D

Krystal :p
Now I don't want to get off on a rant here but...

Well Krystal, I found an interview over at FarscapeWorld that they did with someone from Scifi about this issue. Apparently Scifi does not have any current plans to rerun the eps. But that can (and probably will) change before the end of the year. They are going to run some Stargate eps and then some new series.

Now, what I see happening is that if(when?) the new shows flop Scifi will go to the old stand-by - Farscape. They'll run as many of the eps as they can until January. They also have the option to run some Chain Reactions between now and then which I think would be great! They get to run their new shows and other stuff and maybe once a month do a Chain Reaction of FS to keep us interested.

But only time will tell. Check out the article at for more from Scifi about this and many other rumors!
Thanks for the news, I will check the article. Yeah, I think maybe they will do som chain reaction, they always love to do that . :p

Krystal :D
What tees me off is that after we had to wait 8 mo for the final 4 of season 3, now after less than half of season 4 airs, we have to wait almost 5 more months. And you know they'll make us wait some riduculous amout of time for the final four of season 4. so we will end up with 2 season 4 hiatus'!
Now I don't want to get off on a rant here but...

I'm right there with ya Bon. I think this whole situation has been pretty wrong from the beginning. There is really no reason for the long breaks inbetween new eps. They have most of S4 in the can already and are finishing up on the last few eps. Shows like "The Shield" on FX have proved that decent cable programming can compete with the major broadcast networks and run during the "normal" TV season. I wish Scifi would at least give Farscape a chance to run with the big dogs. If they fail then you know that the old way was better for the show and you go back to it. But what do I know, I've only been watching TV since I was born.

But to reassure you, from what I've read (and my sources seem to be pretty reliable) we're halfway through S4 and it looks like Scifi is planning to run all but the final four starting in January. Then take a short hiatus (for network sweeps) and return in March or April with the final four and then Season 5 should start again in June and the whole process starts over again.

Hang in there folks! This ain't the end of the world for us. We just gotta keep the faith so to speak. (and BTW, your strong feelings just show how much you all love the show and that makes me feel good that I'm not the only one taking this stuff seriously)

Later Scapers...!!!:D
You guys can always take the letter writing approach. The only way the network will listen is if we tell them what we think. And every paper letter they get represents something like 500 fans who didn't bother to write. Emails are fine, but if you've ever been to the SciFi site, you know that their computer technology is kind of... slow. Besides, email doesn't have nearly the impact that actual, physical letters do.

Here's an address:
Bonnie Hammer
c/o Sci Fi Channel
1230 Ave of America
NY, NY 10020-1513

I wrote them last year, but no one else took me up on the challenge. If just four of us write in, that's like SciFi getting the opinions of 2,000 fans!

Anyone willing to put words into action?
Now I don't want to get off on a rant here but...

I'm right there with ya girl! Let's flood their mailroom with more mail than they know what to do with. It can't hurt. Look what it's done for our friends down under!
