6.20: Memento

The Prometheus reappears in this episode in an off-world gate hunt. The crew soon encounters problems on its shakedown cruise that could leave them stranded a long, long way from home. They could get help from a planet that possesses a Stargate; there is a problem (of course): the population denies its existence. The team soon finds themselves embroiled in the population's tragic history which could spell then end of their world. Guest characters will include Renson, Gant, Navigator, Ashwan, Kalfas, and Tarek.
SG-1 is along for the ride on the Prometheus' shakedown cruise. [The ship apparently survives its conflict with the Replicators in this January's "Unnatural Selection"] Colonel William Renson has been given comand of the vessel and Major Erin Gant is his second. Early in the trip the Prometheus runs into trouble and is forced to land on the planet Tangea, much to the surprise of the locals. The Tangeans are very suspitious of these aliens and things are tense.

SG-1 knows that this planet appears on the Abydos cartouche, and with the Prometheus beyond their ability to repair it without help from Earth, they want the Tangeans to show them where their Stargate is. Unfortunately, the Tangeans have never seen a Stargate and are sure it's a myth!

O'Neill must try to win the Tangeans' trust and convince them to allow the team to look for the gate. President Ashwan agrees to let them look, but the team quickly discovers that there is no trace of the Goa'uld ever having been on this planet and no sign of there ever having been a Stargate here. It looks as if out heroes are well and truly stranded.

Jonas and Teal'c are again paired in this episode to amusing effect, and the "banquet" scene aboard the Prometheus should prove amusing if it comes off as well on screen as it does on paper.

SG1_Spoilme adds this about the episode: "The Prometheus reappears in this episode regarding an off-world gate hunt. Earth is leveling the playing field with the Goa'uld as they now have their own spaceship, the Prometheus. However, they soon encounter problems on its shakedown cruise that could leave them stranded a long, long way from home.

"Assistance may be provided at a planet that possesses a Stargate -– the only problem is that the population denies its existence. The team soon finds themselves embroiled in the population's tragic history and long-hidden desires -– which could spell doom for their world if some people get their way."

Other characters include Navigator, Kalfas (a Tangean official) and Solamon Tarak (a Tangean professor of mathematics). "Memento" airs in early 2003.

Check out these for more info:
just a little more . . .

"SG-1 is along for the ride on the Prometheus' shakedown cruise. Earth is leveling the playing field with the Goa'uld as they now have their own spaceship. The ship apparently survives its conflict with the Replicators in this January's 'Unnatural Selection. Colonel William Renson has been given comand of the vessel and Major Erin Gant is his second. Early in the trip the Prometheus runs into trouble and is forced to land on the planet Tangea, much to the surprise of the locals. The Tangeans are very suspitious of these aliens and things are tense.

"SG-1 knows that this planet appears on the Abydos cartouche, and with the Prometheus beyond their ability to repair it without help from Earth, they want the Tangeans to show them where their Stargate is. Unfortunately, the Tangeans have never seen a Stargate and are sure it's a myth!"

"O'Neill must try to win the Tangeans' trust and convince them to allow the team to look for the gate. President Ashwan agrees to let them look, but the team quickly discovers that there is no trace of the Goa'uld ever having been on this planet and no sign of there ever having been a Stargate here. It looks as if out heroes are well and truly stranded."

"Jonas and Teal'c are again paired in this episode to amusing effect, and the 'banquet' scene aboard the Prometheus should prove amusing if it comes off as well on screen as it does on paper." (GateWorld news report)
hmmm, I take it they'll find the gate in the end...it's not like finding one can be THAT hard for our super heros... So, do you suppose Prometheus is what ther Stargate spin-off show will be about or will it be left behind?
Originally posted by skoon
hmmm, I take it they'll find the gate in the end...it's not like finding one can be THAT hard for our super heros... So, do you suppose Prometheus is what ther Stargate spin-off show will be about or will it be left behind?

Considering the number of times we've seen Carter use some kind of device to detect certain alloys (like Naquadria) on some planets, I would think they would be able to have a device to detect Naquada. Such a device would be of course designed to detect the purity level of said alloy as well, which in turn would lead them to the gate (one would assume the gate itself would be the most pure deposit of Naquada on a given planet).

So the only real question is, has earth made such a device? If they have, they'd be absolutely flat out stupid to not have it with on the planet's first and only long-range star ship, for cases such as this.
Classic Stargate :) despite the feeling of here we go Startrekgate when it was all focused on the Prometheus.

Where were episodes of this quality at the start of Series 6.

Doesnt look like the Asguard have upraded Prometheus otherwise why use the Naquadia drive? Dam thing is faulty as hell.

The modified British Army "ferret" armoured scout did raise an eyebrow though hehe.

More eps like this please.

Was bored with this episode, there were some funny moments from Jack and one facial expression from Teal'c that differed from usual, i think that is all that made this ep watchable. I thought it would be better so close to the end of the season but i was wrong. It wasn't bad as such, just not very engaging. Although CN did look hot in that top :D

have they at least stopped calling Teal'c, "T"? please say yes, please say yes...
*shakes head* Jack called him it once over the radio thingy, i think it's cute lol :) nicknames should be between friends so i think its kinda natural, maybe...*shrugs* oh but i noticed 'T' ;) called Jonas...Jonas...no JonasQuinn, has he done this before, probably has but i havent noticed.

don't think so. Maybe a result from the last episode...no longer Jr. influenced, becomeing more 'Earth-like'
Dam I forgot about last week. Strange how there was no reference to how he lost Jnr!!

Just another Stargate mystery??

I alos hate teh "T" thing. It just cheapens the relationship.

Originally posted by RangerOne SG13 SOR
Classic Stargate :) despite the feeling of here we go Startrekgate when it was all focused on the Prometheus.

You know that for about 15 minutes, I still thought it was just an Earth-based simulation, some kind of virtual training exercise for new recruits. Especially when Colonel Renson asks Jack to leave his questions until after the red alert, and Jack replies that aren't they always at alert. Plus Jack's continued messing around. Plus the really cheesy storyline -- too many unusual things happened for them to get into the situation they did -- including having to eject the warp core!

But after that (and it had to happen for the rest to occur) it became a really interesting episode.

Sam does try to find the Gate using a Naquidah detector, but fails. They do find the Gate with the help of a mathematician and scholar of history. IMHO they found it rather easy, but I accept that the Tangeans had not been looking for it, and probably could also have found it very easily had they wanted to themselves.

I'm surprised that they didn't invite the President back to Earth, and that he just lets SG-1 go through the Gate to get what they need to fix Prometheus. If I was him I would still be a little suspicious that they might return with a military force to overthrow his regime. :rolleyes:
I noted that Teal'c called Jonas just 'Jonas' its the first time I can remember him ever doing that with anyones name.

Laughed at the banquent scene - definate shades of the Dinner Party in Star Trekl 6 The Undiscovered County - wonder if they were thinking of that when they did it ?
Originally posted by Dave
They do find the Gate with the help of a mathematician and scholar of history. IMHO they found it rather easy, but I accept that the Tangeans had not been looking for it, and probably could also have found it very easily had they wanted to themselves.
Yeah thats what I thought too.
Their ancesters destroyed all evidence of their past and yet the mathematican had a well preserved piece of parchment indicating where the gate once stood (although "To the north" is a rather vague description:rolleyes:)
ok I'm half way through watching this ep & it's really REALLY bugging me. Why wouldn't they have checked out all the planets with gates via MALP BEFORE going out into space. knowing their record things ALWAYS go wrong...at least make sure the Stargates they believe are out there are still working & accessible FIRST...sorry, it's just bugging me...
They know that this planet has a Gate because it is described on the Abydos cartoúche, but have been unable to contact it. So they assume that it is either buried or broken. That means that it is a long shot to go to Tangea and find it, but they don't have any other choice.

What bugged me was that the method they used to get to Tangea -- using small bursts of Hyperdrive -- could equally well have been used to go all the way back to Earth.
OK just finished watching...I think may favourite part...ok...only part I liked was the music when they are erecting the gate. It has so much feeling & emphasis...just out regular Stargate theme song but sprused up...didn't really care for the rest of the ep. The beginning felt like we were on Enterprise or something, & where have we seen that Colonel (the one playing comander of the P) before. His voice sounds like he's a bed-time story reader or something...

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