Favourite Superhero costume


Save Angel!
Jun 13, 2001
It seems when movie or tv adaptations of comic book heroes are made they usually run into trouble when the costume department is set loose on clothing the stars. Why does this happen? Well, when the costumes were designed on paper, the artists didn't have to worry about whether they would actually look good on real people! Some of the most iconic costumes have been the hardest to adapt, while others have crossed from paint to screen with relative ease. The flamboyant and eye-catching costumes are what we remember most about the heroes we loved, do you have any favourites?

I am hoping more for discussion of the drawn versions here BTW, rather than just chat about the rubber nipples on the Batman suit in the movies ;)

I love Nightwing's current costume, and the Connor Hawke version of the Green Arrow costume is quite pleasing to the eye...
Originally posted by Tabitha
I am hoping more for discussion of the drawn versions here BTW, rather than just chat about the rubber nipples on the Batman suit in the movies ;)
Being male. I can asure you it would not be Batman's rubber nipples that I comment upon. Trying to pretend to be a gentleman. I will refrain from mentioning them at all. No matter who she is!:blush:;)

In real life and having spent four days in a rubber goon suit (NBC fashion wear) I am not a great fan of the modern leanings to figure hugging spandex, if only because I know they are not practical. You can't see, can't speak, barely move, let alone run and can't go out in public for at least a week afterwards, without said public holding their noses.

So no matter how delightful to the eye the likes of Batgirl are in their armour it is out.

So I think I would have to go back to Wonder Woman. The, limited' costume works, shows off what it is supposed to show, is bright and cheerful.
I am a big fan of Wonder Woman - although my interest in her waxes and wanes with changes in the creative team. Love Perez, hated Byrne etc. Her costume has the same problem, some artists draw it as if it was a tiny neglige that barely covers all her bits' :rolleyes: I don't mind that's it's revealing, just don't draw it with a thong!

Anyway, good choice! I also liked the black spiderman costume from the early eighties (I think).

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