Prediction Poll: Will the Matrix sequels measure up?


Save Angel!
Jun 13, 2001
I don't know quite what all the fuss was about with all that early footage of the Matrix sequels was about - they don't start to come out until next May. I think one year is the earliest teaser trailer I have ever seen.

I was blown away by the original Matrix film. The storyline was kind of derivative - using ideas that had been explored regularly in both film and literature before, but I think there was something genuinely unique about the film. The effects were amazing, and the look of the film was something I really loved - somewhat owing to vaguely unfamiliar Sydney locales.
My question is - will the sequels be able to measure up?

It sounds as if the creators are simply telling us that everything will be bigger and better - but isn't that how sequels are always described?

The preview footage has not had quite the same grimy look as the original, either :(
I'm still looking forward to them. They are certainly taking long enough to make them. From what I've heard about the Wachowski brothers, they certainly have lots of idea, both for plot and for new stunts, so I don't think these will just be more of the same thing. Hopefully, they will be as groundbreaking as the original.
From the previews I've seen, I don't think they will suck :D .

However, I'm not sure whether they will surpass the original in style and groundbreaking effects + ideas. I HOPE they do, but I'm sceptical.
I read an article recently that was claiming that they are suppossed to be as groundbreaking as the original. Even if they're not, I think they will still be well worth seeing! :rolly2:
i think they will be just as ground breaking, i also think that the effects will be diffrent and just as great if not better than the original, and hope fully we will get some more great lines to make fun of like " I know Kung Fu":p :D :rolly2:
