StarGate Strategy Game

Ok, this is all you need! You can import/export mdl files in 3dsmax... And I have an other program that converts from mdl to mdx... :) Problem solved :D

What will be the difference in game between a subspace drive and hyper drive? Actually I'm not sure if the big ships are going to be used in ground missions because they are too big and actually are made for space...
Hey, I gotta plan :

If you want to build a M.A.T (tau'ri), you will need to train a person to operate it.
If you want to build a Death Glider (goauld), you will need 2 jaffa to operate it.
Doesnt work at big ships (cargo, spaceships, warships ;-)
Nah don't think that's a good idea... It'll be too slow and too expensive to build those ships and then train some guys to operate them and get the guys to the ships while in that moment the enemy is attacking you... :)
SG-11 covert ops
- they cant have a weapon disabler ... If you saw that epizode, you should know its impossible !!!
What ep.? Where O'neil stole it from the Tollans? Yeah It was big there but I'm sure the Tollans can make it in a smaller version as a weapon...
B-2 stealth
- it cant be TOTALLY invisible, it should be always wievable at radar as a "blured dot"
I'm not sure if I use the B-2 and the C-5 maybe I'll use some of the Bedrosian ships...
-why would Ashrak lay defensive TACs ????
To make an ambush.
Grey Guy
- the nasty weapon should be AK-47 :))
Yeah could be...;)

What happend with the meeting? I'm looking forward that you'll arrange one...

Some news

Hi there everybody,
it was weekend and I had to go I was off-line. told me his PC was totally broken down, so he isn't able to chat or do anything for some time......nobody knows how long but I trust he will repair it very soon.

As I hope today I'll get 3DsMax so testing graphics will be ready to release.......
New Team member!

Hello all!
There is a new team member...
He is a friend of mine and he'll make the background music for the game. Later I'll post some of his work so you can make yourself a picture how the music will sound. :)
I hope gets his comp. on-line so we can finally have our meeting :)

Burner:: You'll have to save your models in the mdl format so I can convert them to mdx... I've put a link on my previous post where you can download a plug-in to import/export in that format...


I'm sorry, but the PC is totally death, I'ts gonna take a quite long time to repair it. I can read the conversation from school PC, but only sometimes....
ColdFusion : Hey man, could you tell me how do I get those plugins workin'??? Everywhere is written to copy plugin files to directory 3DSMax/Plugins then execute the program and plugin is workin'.

I've done this many times but it doesn't work. So I'd like to know your meaning.
Big Ships:
I think we should use them in ground missions, because they can solve some problems with enemies ;-)
hyperdrive .vs. subspace engine

-goa'uld ships uses hyperdrive, normal speed (about 100c)
-asghard ships uses subspace engine ... can fly acros the galaxy in no time (something like wormhole, I guess)

just say whitch pictures ya need and I'll try to send them via e-mail to Burner from school, but I'm promissing nothing ... I easilli may not be allowed to do it ;-(
weapons disabler:
I think it's IMPOSSIBLE to make it as a gun ... it works automatically and if some of your units get into signt of this, theyr weapons will be deactivated as well .....

Thats all for today ... I'll post maybe something tomorrow




I've never used 3dsmax so you have to figure that out by yourself.
Big Ships:
I think we should use them in ground missions, because they can solve some problems with enemies ;-)
Be more specific.

hyperdrive .vs. subspace engine

-goa'uld ships uses hyperdrive, normal speed (about 100c)
-asghard ships uses subspace engine ... can fly acros the galaxy in no time (something like wormhole, I guess)
So...? How can you use that without making the game unbalanced by giving the strongest unit of the game the ability to reach every point of the map in seconds...

I easilli may not be allowed to do it ;-(
Why? What do you mean?

weapons disabler:
I think it's IMPOSSIBLE to make it as a gun ... it works automatically and if some of your units get into signt of this, theyr weapons will be deactivated as well .....
Everything that is working automatically now has worked manually befoure (think about it).
Also the nox unit will have that ability too. It will work that way: you target a enemy unit that is in your range and he looses his ability to attack for some seconds.

Hyperdrive vs. SubEngines

I agree with ColdFusion.Using SubSpace Engines will provide great advantage to Asguards. I would rather use Hyperdrive engines.....SubSpace may be aviable after research.
hyperdrive vs subdrive
- i thought we should give it to them (asghards) at the end of the campaign, when they should be overruned by replicators ....
big ships
- theyr maneuverbility should be in ground missions very limited
- they should be in gr. m. slow, 'cause they can use only sub-lignt engines, whitch do not "disturb" the atmosphery balance
- when it is beeing destroyed, it destroys a great mass of land under it
- has superior weapons (solving "enemy" problem ;-)
- easili ... they should be highly penalized in gr. m. , but still useful
- I'm sorry but I'm really stupid idiot ... I cant send you textures from school because how can I get them without my home computer ????? ;-((
wepons disabler
- thats logical ;-)

ColdFusion: do some UNITS.txt update, I wanna see that NOX DISABLING unit parameters ;-)

Burner: zkus v googlovi zadat 3D max a urèitì ti nìjaká èeská stránka s návodem vyleze .... nebo zkus nápovìdu
How about making the big ships (unique units) like the Heroes in war3? They'll gain levels in a different way (don't know what exactly). Just poped in my mind right now... i didn't thought it thru. :D
I'm still working on the Units. Just making some minor adjustments... what happenned to your comp.? When are you going to be fully on-line again? If you are going to be out for a long time then we should make the meeting with Burner and his '3D' friends only ;)


Here's the new Units update... Please mark all the places where you edit something like that:

old stuff //new stuff

It'll be more easy to read it then, thanks :)



  • units.txt
    8.8 KB · Views: 381
Hia all!

I'm back and with full power ;-) and new CD recorder ;-)

I'll look at UNITS and tomorrow tell ya....
Back online with more power than before!!!

I've got 3DsMax R.4 so let's make!!!

I'll get list of members of our graphic team (I think there are 4 or 5 of them). C ya later.

I'm glad to see that you're all online and with full power! :alienooh:

I would like to hear your opinions on the stuff that I've posted so far when you were away... ;)

Hey Burner post some screenshots of the models that you're working on.

Keep up the good work! :cool:

Slight change of topic

I was having a conversation with some friends of mine the other day and we said that there should be a Stargate game, anyway, one of the guys works for a games company and said if we could come up with fan numbers (ie potential buyers) he could approach their dev team and see how it went from there.

Does anyone know a good, accurate way of finding out how many SG1 fans there are in the UK and Europe?
Been Down This Road Before

I've had some experience as a writer for a computer fantasy game (company tanked, so don't ask :D)

The strategy game sounds interesting -- better than an FPS because there are so many of those already. When building a game, though, it is easy to get distracted with non-essentials. Graphics are important, but that comes later -- after you know what you need.

Every race and every piece of equipment should have an advantage and a disadvantage, so that there is some price to consider in choosing, acquiring and using.

As for fan numbers in Britain, you might try to find out how many attended the recent convention in Blackpool, England.
Thanks again, webmouse.

I mailed Sky, MGM, and am putting a mail together for Wolf Events. I guess, had I been more organized I could have asked while I was there!
Hey, everybody take it easy.

1) we don't want money for this, It'll be a freeware ( I think that ColdFusion said that)

2) burner: you know my mail, send some pics ;-)

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