5.6: The Eyes Have It


It goes on.....
Apr 22, 2001
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While seeking the advice of a fortune teller regarding her missing power of premonition, Phoebe discovers that there is a demon who has been stealing the eyes of Gypsies. Meanwhile, Piper wants to see an OB/GYN about her baby, but Leo is concerned about the threat of exposure.
I thought this episode was pretty cool, it was nice to see a different kind of good magic being used and Pheobe's problems with stress and her premonitions were on the whole handled quite well, not so sure about the way she suddenly told the others though, especially if she was trying to hide it.

Paige desperately looking for something to do after she quits her job - a little like Prue after Bucklands??? And i thought she was trying to not compare herself to Prue.... :D
