5.9: Sam I Am


It goes on.....
Apr 22, 2001
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Paige finally embraces her Whitelighter heritage when she is assigned her first charge - who happens to be a man with a past that we're all too familiar with. Spending his life as a disoriented drunk, Samuel Matthews has a destiny greater than he knows, and with the proper guidance he can find his way back to that path. Of course, Paige isn't aware at first that he is a former Whitelighter - and, in fact, her biological father.

When Piper and Phoebe recognize their mother's guardian and he recognizes the sisters, chaos ensues and he leads them on a wild goose chase as they try to both reunite father and daughter and protect Sam from a conniving Darklighter named Ronan who is out to kill the old man...
i liked this episode. It was nice for Paige to finally meet Sam.

And the cole trying to get himself vanquished just tied in so well and it was such a good plan!!! I liked Piper's comment too: "Good or evil, Cole is usually clever!" And with the avatars there as well - slightly mysterious not knowing quite what's going on - adds even more to the drama.

It's nice to see the extent of power Piper's baby has- do you reckon embryological Paige could do the same thing?? :D

but how come Cole is indestructible? When did that happen?
this was a good ep and I liked seeing Sam again. Cole's attempt at being vanquished was good to and I am a little confused how he managed to become indestructable. my guess is that he has too many powers now for good or evil.
yeah that's probably what it is.

but if he's really indestructible - it'll be interesting to see how they manage to kill him off