Lovely jubbly. I skipped a night out for this show (and SG1 of course), and am actually very happy with that decision. I know Sky re-broadcasts the new SG1 eps on Saturday, has anyone come across an Odyssey 5 re-broadcast? I don't have a VCR, and can't forfeit all my wed nights!
On to the ep. I enjoyed it immensely. Kurt is slowly becoming my favourite character, and while he didn't play a major role in the episode, he did set up the thermal scanner thing - I can see that becoming a major factor in the developing plot. Is it just chance that a non-human walked past the scanner at the end? Are we to think that there is already suspiscion, and therefore surveillance, of the 5, or do you think this indicates that the non-human prescence is already in large numbers? Hmmmm
Okay, so that kind of tackles it backwards. Let's talk about it from the beginning.
I thought Sarah might be skipping town and lying to both family and work in order to settle some personal matter, for example spending sometime with an estranged parent. Finding out the actual reason for her deception seemed in character - would you try and right these kind of wrongs? I think I might, but would probably be persuaded by the "But what if that kid turns out to be the next Hitler?" argument, which, BTW, I am surprised Angela didn't use.
Although, what authority could such an argument have if the whole reason you are in the past is with the express purpose of altering the future?
Which brings me on to a very interesting point: Chuck admits that the only reason he told the seeker to send the 5 back was because Angela was dying. That came as a shock, but on second thought is a perfectly logical explanation. There was little time for the astronauts to digest what the seeker had told them, so it is unlikely that they made an informed and balanced decision
I loved the moment when Chuck admits this to Neil, and Neil's reaction is great too!
I hope we don't revisit the idea that any action will change the progress of events - it was a bit weird that no-one called the police about the two women camped out in an SUV in that residential area, and yet their presence managed to frighten off a kidnapper. This might become too convenient a plot device - however the writers do seem to have done a sterling job in keeping me surprised so far, why worry now?