A Totally Apophis' Dedicated Workspce ;)


Apophis' First Prime
Oct 13, 2000
A Totally Apophis' Dedicated Workspace ;)


here's a total Apophis' dedicated workspace .... is anybody there who has an as good as workspace as for his god ???

Jaffa Geronimo of great god Apophis !


  • apophis2.jpg
    33.8 KB · Views: 340
I particularly liked the three-page photo fold-out towards the right of Apophis in long hair and drag... :eek: :p :D
hehe ... yeah - she's quite hot ;)

that's why i put the pic on the table ... to raise the 'morale' when doin' something boring ;)

lek'tol !

P.S.: it's an advertisement for underwear ;)
lol, wow, that's definately a shrine!! Where did you get all the pictures from??

these pics r only a few out of about 30 i have printed in A4 format .... the sources are various ..

the most of these pics i downloaded from the i-net and then i've 1 pic ordered from the U.S. and 1 pic from an austrial which contains the pic of our god Apophis (with his signature) ..

the most difficult thing was to find pics that have a as good as quality to print them on a DIN A4 sheet ;) ;)

Jaffa GeRoNiMo

btw: stay tuned - 'cos perhaps i'll try to get all pics in a room on a photo ;)
lol, with all your photo's and pictures of him, that'd be quite a kewl photo!!

yeah - the most pics i have r from god Apophis but not all r from him -- i also have some printed pics of his son Klor'el ...

and there r pics from the newer sci-fi series 'Andromeda' - pics from beka valentine & tyr anasazi ... ;)

... and perhaps there'll be some of my fav beer & some jacky (jack daniels not daniel jackson *LoL* )

Jaffa GeRoNiMo

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