Voyager Bloopers


Paranoid Starfleet Lacky
Oct 13, 2002
Being a big fan of the intrepid crew and watching the episodes over and over again(yes, my life isn't that exciting), I have some blooopers that I've discovered:

Just after Voyager is kidnapped to the Delta Quadrant, Janeway heads on down to Engineering to survey the damage. She rounds a corner in the corridor on deck 15 to go into Engineering, so we see her enter Engineering in the next shot. The problem is she enters from a turbo-lift - no turbolift exists IN engineering.

When Kes goes to answer the door to her quarters (it's Neelix), the heel of her shoe gets caught on her dress, and she ends up hopping to answer the door, nearly tripping over.

Non Sequitur
Janeway says "Voyager to Transporter Room", but shes already on Voyager, so she should have said "Bridge to Transporter Room".

As Tom talks to Janeway after his tongue falls out you can still see his tongue, although it's been painted jet black.

When Tom is escaping from the Kazon ship in the shuttle, at one point is hands reach out, and land outside the frame of window. Where has the glass gone?

Dmitri Valtane, the officer who died in the episode, is clearly seen in The Undiscovered Country at the end of the movie behind Captain Sulu(even though he died? hmmmmm)

Future's End
Voyager swoops down and rescues Janeway and Chakotay, and shortly after, Neelix calls the Bridge with some disturbing news, they show the clip, but the announcer says it was captured just a few hours ago, but i really happened minutes ago.

Distant Origin
The canister of plasma used by the Voth to track Voyager was actually destroyed in the episode, 'Fair Trade', even so the canister didn't even belong to Voyager, because Neelix refused to get Voyager's plasma and used another ships plasma instead.

The Raven
The exterior design of Seven's shuttle keeps changing. One moment it is the old style Shuttle, then it's the new Voyager style.

Waking Moment
As B'Elanna runs out of Engineering, the flap on her smock opens to reveal Dawson's pregnancy.

The Killing Game
When Seven sings, sometimes her lips are out of synch with the words.

- More will be on their way... -
Originally posted by janeways7

Just after Voyager is kidnapped to the Delta Quadrant, Janeway heads on down to Engineering to survey the damage. She rounds a corner in the corridor on deck 15 to go into Engineering, so we see her enter Engineering in the next shot. The problem is she enters from a turbo-lift - no turbolift exists IN engineering.


You're wrong, there is a turbolift in Engineering. It is seen many times throughout Voyager. No, I'm not talking about that little one by the Warp Core that goes between the two levels.
Goody! A challenge!

I was afraid you'd ask that. OK, how about Shattered in Season 7? At the end, in Engineering, I think Adult Naomi and Adult Icheb come out of there to ambush the Kazon.

Warhead in Season 5, the Doc and two security types carry the missile into there on their way to Sickbay.

I might be wrong, but I think there's an episode where someone walks out of the Jefferies Tube on one side and into the lift on the other side (or vice versa!).

TRUST ME, IT'S THERE!!:rolleyes:
Re the turbolift in engineering. The episode (I think it might be "Warped") where doorways lead to the wrong places on the ship, doesn't B'elanna try to get into the Engineering turbolift and there is a half-naked crewmember on the other side?
Not Quite!

You're thinking of "Twisted". That was the door leading to the Jefferies Tubes, on the other side of the main entrance. The lift we're talking about is opposite!

Whoa! Wait a minute! You've just given another example! When Torres is trying to get back to Engineering, Tom takes her there since he and Janeway had gone there while trying to get to the Bridge. Therefore, in two scenes in this episode, you see people coming out of that turbolift in Engineering! Before you say it, no it's not there because the ship's twisted IT'S ALWAYS THERE!!
Duly corrected! I coudn't be bothered looking up the proper name.
Hmmm, don't know about that turbolift then, can't say as I remember it being used.
Re: Re: Voyager Bloopers

Originally posted by jwells
I'm not talking about that little one by the Warp Core that goes between the two levels.

This is just an aside to the main debate, but what was the point of that lift? It was so slow it would have been quicker to jump up there!
The Little Lift

I think that little lift was there for when you needed to get upstairs whilst holding something like a PADD or engineering instrument. I remember Vorik riding it down while working on a PADD. Of course, some people just use it because they're lazy and don't want to use the ladder. I know it's a different series, but in the pilot of Enterprise, Trip walks down the ladder while T'Pol just casually gets in the lift.:D
The only time I remember there being a turbolift in Main Engineering is in 'Caretaker' - and in 'Twisted' - but that was when the ship was being distorted.


This is why I hate the Voyager writer's so much.. first we have hundreds of shuttlecrafts, then the Delta Flyer can't possibly fit into the shuttlebay, now we have a turbolift that dissapears and re-appears when it wants to.

At least with the Enterprise-D the ship had consistency.


Am I speaking a foreign language?! Sorry, I realise the lift's probably not seen much, but it is there! Look at the episodes I've given as examples! As I said, it wasn't just there in "Twisted" because the ship was twisted, it was there to start with!:rolleyes:

Anyway, you say the Enterprise-D had consistency. But how about this! There used to be a turbolift by the "pool table" in Engineering, but later in the series it changed into the familiar Jefferies Tube junction!:D
Jwells is right there, the turbolifts were especially inconsistent in TNG.

In 'Man of the People', Troi walks into the turbolift from Ten-Forward (on deck 10) and it has "08 Turbolift" on the door (deck 8).

In 'Power Play', O'Brien, Troi, Data and Worf are trapped in a Turbolift. O'Brien helps them escape by accessing the main computer from a panel to the left of the door. One that wasn't there any other time.

In 'Brothers', Data does find a panel on the right of the door, one that wasn't there at any other time.

In 'Silicon Avatar', La Forge and Dr. Marr leave Engineering (deck 36) and enter a lift on deck 12 (they must have liked the walk) they are heading for the bridge (deck 1), but on the way the door opens on deck 17 (they must have liked the ride too!)

In 'Violations', Troi and Jev get on and off on deck 3, even though they were on another deck.

I could go on, I also remember a lever on the wall of the lift that Picard pulled to stop it once, but I can't find the episode. I'm quite sure that the lever never existed any other time.

The Ocampan Homeworld is described as being incapable of producing rain. Yet when the crew are among the Kazon on the planet surface, there are some fluffy white cumulus clouds in the distance. ;)
A few white fluffy clouds might not be a major blooper. Just means it hasn't rained in recordable history

The Gobi, which is said to be the hottest and driest desert in the world gets a few clouds, though at last count there had been no rain for 20 years.

Venus also manages a few clouds, though they are not water vapour

Slightly more worrying. If they have no cloud, there is no atmosphere to create them (even if they are dust). No atmosphere means definitely no life, certainly nothing human e.g. 2 arms, 2 legs, lungs, American accent etc.
I'm kinda interested in how this turbo lift argument is going to turn out. I do seem to recall one besides the one next to the warp engine.

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