2.01: Past As Prologue

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The Truth Is Out There
Nov 18, 2001
201: Past As Prologue

Ashlocke is dying, he will go to any extrems to stay alive. He has all ready killed one of his devoted members to get what he wants.

This epi had the team fighting for their lives. Even in his weaked state Ashlocke is still a formidable opponent.
Pretty good episode. Thought it wasn't bad for the first eppy of the season. I did think Adam was making a mistake trying to cure Ashlocke and agreed with Shalimar that he should be left to die.

I wonder if he did get out of the explosion at the end of the epi? Who knows? Perhaps we'll find out in another epi?

annette :D
[color=dark blue] I have to say that I love the episode. Don't know is it was because I was really looking forward to see new episodes. ;) I find it very interesting, specially all about Ashlocke's illness and the thing about the archemist. Really cool. Surprise with Shalimar's attitude with Adam but I enjoy it, specially because we haven't see many of that in the Season 1, they usually are 100% with Adam so it was a new reaction. :lol:[/color]

Krystal :p
Shalamar was sort of "mind raped" by Ashlock and she wanted him dead for that. Shalamar has never felt so vulnerable!!

Adam was right to try and keep him alive for the other mutants sake, he was patient zero after all, the first one to under go a radical procedure Adam came up with. But if Ashlock had been sane to begin with it might have turned out differant.

It was a pretty good show for a season opener.
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