Who would you cast if the Star Wars Trilogy was only being made now?


Save Angel!
Jun 13, 2001
Just something I have been thinking about recently. Re-casting old movies with new people, but not in the context of remakes.

Soooo, if Lucas had never made Star Wars in '77, let's say he was born 20 years later or something, and was only making these stories now, what current actors or actresses would be cast in the roles of Luke, Leia, Han, Vader's voice etc?
James Earl Jones would still be the voice of Vader... he just HAS to.

Great question, though. I'd have to spend a bit of time thinking about it, keeping in mind that this was a low budget film with NO American stars in the starring roles (so no Heath Ledger... *sigh*) the way Lucas intended it. (With that in mind, and knowing what Mark Hamill thinks of sci-fi, his kid Nathan might be a good Luke ;))


Some of the others on that site are pretty good though. I could see Nick Nolte as Han, and Bruce Boxleitner made a good Luke.

These days though, hmmmm. I could see, um. Jack Black as Han? ;)
Ugh, I think there would be rumours of Britney Spears or some other strange casting for Leia. I wouldn't mind Britney being in there, if she was Chewie ;)

It's very hard to think about this question without thinking about the actual actors, isn't it?
Ben Affleck as Han Solo Tom Cruise as Luke Skywalker Liv Tyler as Princess Leia Jack Nichlson as the Emperor Harrison Ford as Obi Wan Kenobi theres irony.
Vinny Jones as Darth Vader LOL

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