And some others - a bit more colorful ...
FEBA: Forward Edge of the Battle Area. What used to be called the 'front line' until artillery and things like SCUDs make that hard to keep track of.
C&C: Command & Control - the location of the folks in charge.
PAO: Public Affairs Officer - the military to civillian liaison for press info, etc
SAC: Stratigic Air Command - [now know as U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)] - the Air Force folks with the bombers, etc. that provide defense of the US
NORAD: North American Air Defense Command - our friends who really do live 'under the mountain; - a multinational radar and sattalite watch of all air and space areas that could provide an early warning of an attack on North America
And some of the more humerous ones: [Please substitute 'F**ked' for 'Fouled' as necessary]
FUBAR :Fouled up Beyond All Recognition
SNAFU: Situation Normal - All Fouled Up
JANFU: Joint Army-Navy Foul Up [used at my MedCen [Medical Center] where we had a few Navy Docs through every now and again]
FTA: Honest, it started out as a recruiting slogan - "Fun, Travel, Adventure". I don't think it lasted more than 45 sec before it became "F**k The Army" Sorry... Fouled just doesn't cut it on this one.
FRED: This honestly came from the Air Force long before Stargate. Have a friend who was working the electronics 'test bed' when they were playing with new RADAR packages for C-130's. Fouled up Redundent Electronic Device.
'CF' ["Charlie Foxtrot"]: Cluster 'insert F work here ...' A situation *and* a state of mind.
Here's a great site for various acronyms:
Military Acronyms
Rowan [E-8 - MSG/1SG, USA, [ret], HSC, [91A, 91B, 91C70Z, 91D, 91V, 66Y & 76Y]
[name, paygrade, rank, military status, Health Services Command - the medical people & the MOS [Military Occupational Specialty codes for the major jobs I held in the Army] ]