5:10 Y Tu Muumy Tambien


It goes on.....
Apr 22, 2001
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A man named Jeric enters the Halliwell's lives, along with the non-corporeal spirit of his lover, Isis, who desperately needs a witch's body to survive. However, containing such a powerful spirit burns out the body that Isis is possessing, and the more powerful the witch, the faster she burns out. Each time a body is burned out, Jeric uses his magic to mummify the corpse for later transferral of Isis' spirit to a fresh, new body.

Meanwhile, Piper's baby bump is beginning to show, and she is sick and tired of the nosy behaviour of people surrounding her. Paige is work-weary, having overworked herself, and has little time to even pay attention to her sisters. Phoebe, meanwhile, has decided to get back into the dating scene despite previously deciding to go on a hiatus from men. As Cole's desperation for Phoebe's love intensifies, he joins forces with Jeric, understanding that the process of magically mummifying someone puts the body 'on ice', and prevents time from passing for them. His hope is that if he can hold her in this state of suspended animation he'll find a way to make her love him again...
Will someone please tell the PTB in LA that Adrian Paul can't act?

No, really, I mean, he's like Tom Cruise -he's the same guy in every show/movie/part/whatever ---

The episode was almost really good - but the Adrian Paul thing turned me off ---

that and Cole being an ass -- wtf did they do to this poor character???

big honkin' spoiler below -- you've been forewarned!

However, since Julian McMahon's leaving the show, why not turn his character into the biggest ass? please - they could have done so much better. I liked him better before he went evil (again) and stupid --- grrr argh.

anyway -- that's about all I can say on this episode -
i agree the episode was good - lots of Piper angst - except if the solution was really that simple why didn't she just come up with it earlier???

It's nice to see Daryl finally gets promoted and nicer to see that he still cares about saving lives more than a promotion :D

And the Piper and maternity wear issue rings true since my aunt recently went through the same thing (and i was the poor soul stuck shopping with her). In the end she did what Piper wanted and brought 'normal' clothes a couple of sizes too large - but she kept out-growing them :D It was funny :D

As for Cole - not sure. I thought him trying to vanquish himself by throwing a fire ball in the mirror was kinda dramatic and good continuity from the last ep - it would have been weird if he completely forgot about the whole suicide idea. And the battle between him and Piper was just way cool. But i didn't like the rest of it - surely he knows if he hurt/killed Paige - Pheobe would never forgive him. And what's with the beard - YUCK! :p