Khatab - please read our boards 'rules of etiquette' and refrain from personal attacks on other members.
I can respect your points of view, as wrong as they may be, without personally attacking you.
Originally posted by khatab
This had to be probably the worst Film I watched in 2002.
Are you saying that you aren't much of a film buff then?
The Imdb list of the worst 100 films has 4 from 2002. 'Nemesis' is not one of them. 'Rollerball' was, and that film was on a completely different scale of rubbishness!
'Nemesis' was not even the worst Star Trek film, it had good moments such as the Simitar as Stryker said. Sorry, but I don't see any connection with the 'Wrath of Khan'.
It did, however, have some seriously weak plots that they SHOULD have cut out of it -
Remans are Space Vampires
The buggy racing
Yet another family reunion for Data
Picard's evil twin