Star Trek questions for the target!


New Member
Dec 23, 2002
Hi everyone.

We are deep in the process of finalizing a large screenplay for a Star Trek, independent NFP miniseries. I'm not going to go into much detail right now about what direction we are going, but we're attempting something very different. I'd like a sounding board here on a few questions I have to Trek fans or non-Trek fans.

What in general are the best things about Star Trek? Things you would not change...things that work.

What are some things about Star Trek that you hate? Saying B&B doesn't help me, because I'm not either of them. :)

What are some things that Star Trek has missed the boat on? Story opportunites, unanswered questions, un-met fan expectations?

If you are a fan, would you accept a darker, more gritty view of the Star Trek universe, without changing the previous storylines or accepted conventions (Character driven plots, Starfleet, Federation, uniforms, ships,technology, etc.)?

Thanks in advance for giving this some thought!

First question would be: How are you going to avoid the wrath of Paramount's over paid lawyers?
Afterall they aren't above trying to shut down fan sites.

It is a question that has been posed here a couple of times, so while we think of answers perhaps these threads might help you along?

Lets have a vote for what and when series 6 should be?
How would you improve Star Trek? Seriously
If there was a Series 6...
You could also try Fan Fiction for ideas. It is starting to look as if Paramount are taking some of its inspiration from there in some Enterprise episodes

Added the third item, because I missed it :(
I'd agree with Ray. Since they confiscated signed photographs at a recent convention, I can't see them allowing you to make a film.

As for what I like, I've contibuted to those threads mentioned. 'Dark and grittier' -- DS9 was meant to be dark and grittier. I liked it, but the vast majority of fans didn't.

I think my biggest gripe of all about Star Trek is how they always kill off the best Villains: Khan, Lursa and B'Etor, Seska, Lore
i recently received a letter from paramount asking em not to publish info about nemisis on my website... well they never aske but they insisted.. quoting lawers etc..
Apparently, they have even gone after websites for posting pictures of kit models that fans have made.

The thing is that it is only Paramount doing this. I think an independent film would be a great idea. Showtime has allowed fans to make Stargate films. The special effects and acting is very basic, but they are funny, and the real production team have seen them.

Paramount is fanatical, and I think misguided. You can push fans around too much.
For the record, Paramount's attempts at closing fan web-sites has generally failed under US law as being of Derivative Use (i.e. adding original characters and storiess to the scheme of things) and is therefore fair. Still a felony, but the punishment is paltry.

There is a good article on this sort of thing here:-

But what would happen should one try and earn money from it is anybody's guess and the Digital Milenium Act hasn't been really tested on fan sites yet!

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