Cut scenes from Nemesis


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Cut scenes from Nemesis/ DVD release

Rick Berman, in an interview for ‘Star Trek Monthly’ #101, has divulged a few more scenes that were cut from ‘Nemesis’.

Apart from Wesley Crusher’s speaking scene, there was also a Enterprise bridge, seatbelt-wearing joke, as a tension-breaking scene, together with a scene of Picard meeting Riker’s replacement (Steven Culp.)

There are no plans for any of these scenes to be added to the DVD release. They will definitely not be cut back into the film footage in the first DVD as it is already being made now. It could be done like the ‘Attack of the Clones’ DVD as separate extras though. No decision has been made, but Berman doesn’t think Stuart Baird would be keen.
I wondered where Steven Culp was in the movie - I remembered reading that he was to be Riker's replacement, but was puzzled not to see him.

I thought some parts of the narrative seemed a bit disjointed in a similar way to the last Star Wars film, so I actually wouldn't be surprised at all if there were many cut scenes. As to how many will make it onto the dvd... Who knows?

I would like to see them though.
Originally posted by Tabitha
I thought some parts of the narrative seemed a bit disjointed in a similar way to the last Star Wars film, so I actually wouldn't be surprised at all if there were many cut scenes.

There were more...

A Data-Picard conversation about B4 earlier than the one that survived.

A second psychic violation by Shinzon on Troi after the first one that survived.

So, I agree with you. However, Baird and Berman appear to be happy with their editing.
i would like to see wesleys scene as i want to know why he was there. last we saw of him he like evolved or something into one of the travellers race and dissapeard now we see him at the end of the table in starfleet dress uniform
Patrick Stewart reveals more on what was cut in his interview with TVGUIDE

Not sure if they would push the story along any. But they are important in making the traditional relationships between the crew happen.

Why is it considered that inter-relationships are irrelevant in film now?
Nemesis is not the first to suffer this.
It's possible that the reason why they crammed so much in this movie is becuase it is planned to be the last film with TNG crew. So, they felt compelled to bring us some closure on certain issues.

EDIT: answering RG's question: "Why is it considered that inter-relationships are irrelevant in film now?", I believe they attempted to address the relationships but simply got over ambitious. It felt to me that they simply stuck to much in the episode which caused most subplots to get too little attention. I can see this as a trend in Hollywood scifi.
That Picard-Data scene he talks about in the interview sounds like a good one:

Can you tell us about what was cut from Nemesis?
PS: There was a very nice scene which came after the wedding that I really regret didn't make it into the movie. The wedding is over and Data and Picard are alone in Picard's cabin. I open a bottle of Chateau Picard, we have a glass together, and that's what we talk about. Also in the wedding we learn that Beverly Crusher is going to take over Starfleet Medical. Data is going to be the new first officer, and [he is] is talking about why do these occasions mean so much to humans, why do you have to mark them in this way? So I talk about rites of passage, and how everything we have is important, but change is vital to the development of individuals. Anyway, it all [was cut from the film], which is a shame because that scene [would have had] a terrific resonance at the end of the movie. [Cutting it] hasn't damaged the movie, but it emphasized [one of the film's themes] a little more strongly, and it made very, very clear this [crew] has been a family — but, as in all families, there comes a point at which people separate and the connections are either broken or else they get really stretched. And in that sense, [Nemesis] feels to me to be a really grown up movie.

I didn't like the whole "finding B4, then Data dying a hero at the end", one bit. It reminded me too much of the Lore/Lal/ & Data's Head episodes. But that scene might have changed my view of the whole film.

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