Wow! This episode was amazing! I absolutely loved it! This is everything season three has been lacking.
What I Liked:
The Balance of Judgment is back! Ever since I found out that Michael was making an appearance this season I've been looking forward to it. This lived up to all of my expectations! Evil Gabriel aka Remiel was awesome! I loved the scenes between him and Rommie, it really showed how much Andromeda has grown. The ending, when Rommie and Balance start working together was perfect! And the fight scene between Rom and Remiel was great too. It's hard to believe Michael and Lexa are engaged from the way they acted in that scene!
Rommie's all grown up! I was skeptical when I saw the previews for this episode, I mean Rommie's gone bad once already in IHCRAL. However, the idea that The Balance was stored in her all along, and that he took her over, brilliant! I really liked how much she cared about Harper too. She was willing to risk everything to save him.
Christopher Judge was great in this episode too! Although I wished we had gotten to see more of his character I enjoyed him nonetheless. The fight between him and Remiel was cool! It was like watching T'ealc and Daniel slugging it out! Forever answering the question who would win.
Another great part I enjoyed was the conflict between The Balance's avatar and his AI. Even though they didn't have much of an exchange that was still a great scene.
Harper back in action! He pulled a fast one, even out smarting an AI! I wish he had been given more lines and more of a role though. He could have come in handy. I would have loved to have seen him finish off The Balance instead of Dylan.
Tyr, now that was unexpected. I knew he was probably going to be leaving to restore his pride, but changing his genetic make up? Naming himself the genetic reincarnation of Drago? That was a twist I didn't see coming.
How did Harper build The Balance's avatar so quickly?
What happened to The Balance's AI? The ship wasn't dismayed so what did they do with it?
What happened to Hector's AI?
How did Tyr talk Beka into letting him use her ship?