Mayborne's Next move


Pre 1986 Comics Fan
Aug 21, 2000
Spoilers :eek:
At the end of Paradis Lost Jack was going to ask the tok'ra to to drop mayborne off some where. I just thought since the Tok'ra seem to always need a human host. Would mayborne fit the bill? meaning that would he conscent?

I am sorta neatral. he thought he was doing good with the off world theiving and dealing with the russians. Of course then there's the entire selling the G'ould lava incident which was for self interest. What do you think.

ditto. I can't wait to hear what his symbiote sounds like. :cool:
Originally posted by ZachWZ
Spoilers :eek:

I am sorta neatral. he thought he was doing good with the off world theiving and dealing with the russians.

Yeah, I feel he - and the rest of his team - were very badly done to there. They were doing their patriotic bit to protect their country/planet. Too bad the N.I.D. had a different agenda from the S.G.C. - too bad for Harry anyway. :(

Of course then there's the entire selling the G'ould lava incident which was for self interest. What do you think.


I guess he needed the money, since Uncle Sam wasn't likely to give him a pension. :lol:

Incidently, I 've found him a new job in 'Double Trouble?' - in the Fan Fic. section if you're interested - right up his street, well suited to his talents and the pay is good too, so long as he doesn't get caught... ;)

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
I love the idea of Mayborne as a Tok'Ra. I think Mayborne would go for the blending -- greed for knowledge, long life in good health (well, the Tok'Ra haven't been doing all that well in the longevity area) -- and he could offer the Tok'Ra all those well-honed skills in unscrupulous sneakiness.

And just think of all the arguments he could have with Jacob/Selmak :rolly2:
I don't want him to be a Tok'ra, I like Maybourne the way he is. Besides if he blends he won't be the same old Maybourne & Jack duo...

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