Sean Pertwee on Doctor Who


Save Angel!
Jun 13, 2001
Jon Pertwee is the first Doctor Who I remember clearly (helped by his Worzel Gummage role, probably). His son has been everywhere recently, touting his recent movie Dog Soldiers release on DVD.

Here is a partial transcript from of an interview he gave this week:
Would you play the Doctor?
No. I have a very definite idea of who Dr Who is..

He's your dad.
Exactly. He's my father. And he was a very odd guy. He looked like some kind of erudite Victorian throwback. We don't produce people with that level of eccentricity any more and that's what the role needs. I certainly don't have it. I'm much more straight. I don't know who would be a good Dr Who. Maybe Tony Wilson.

Was there playground kudos being the son of a Time Lord?
I went to lots of different schools and the reaction was different at each one. At six at primary school in Ibiza, it was kind of cool; when I went to a comprehensive here, I'd get: 'Your dad's that f***ing actor poof.' I became the centre of attention for all the wrong reasons and I wasn't a particularly good academic: I'd either be getting the hell kicked out of me or in some kind of trouble. So I was asked to leave a lot of places. Like dad actually - he was as big a pain as me. I was given a Dalek but it was rubbish: it really was a dustbin on wheels.

Love the description of the Dalek. I also saw him interviewed on tv recently and he told the same story and also mentioned that the insides of the Dalek were such that you had to drag yourself around on tippy-toes to move in it :O :lol:

Could you see Pertwee Jr as the good Doctor? I think I could, actually, even though he doesn't seem at all interested.
IMDB biography

I think taking the role would be a definite mistake for him.

He would immediately be compared to his father and he just does not have Jon Pertwee's 'presence'.

The Doctor really needs somebody that can look, feel and be 'Larger than Life' to carry the whole thing.

Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker did that and possibly Sylvester McCoy could have, given the chance. Most of the others, unfortunately, tended to blend with the scenary.
The only other doctors I am familiar with are Peter Davidson and Paul McGann, and you are right, they do 'blend with the scenery' somewhat :(

Pertwee Jr IMO would make a good Doctor - I think he does have a good presence on screen btw - but the press and comparisons to his father would probably create too many problems with the idea to make it viable, even if he was interested.
SEAN PERTWEE is a good and talented actor in his own right - and, I have to agree with him he wouldn't fit the role of the Doctor - because of his dad, JON'S success in the role!

Press/fans ect would always compare if he did that role - even if he succeeded in making it different etc!

JON was a "Uniquely eccentric, larger-than-life, character" and, not just in how he played the role of the DOCTOR! (Having the prividge of knowing JON, personally - he was definitely a one-off that we won't get again!) He was well-known before and, after Dr. Who - as is sadly missed!

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