Leo and his chairs.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2003
I live for the few moments that Leo gets a bit of action. No, not that kind of action you dirty minded people :eek: , the fisty cuffs kind of action. He should stick to polishing his orbs, because when it comes to a good fight, he is absolutely hopeless!

That is, of course, until he gets his hands on a chair. I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but often when things get tough, Leo reaches for the nearest chair and breaks it over the local evil do'er. I never even imagined what a lethal object a chair could be until I saw one wielded by Leo.

I was just wondering if anyone else was impressed by his ninja style chair-smashing. :karate:

Since i read this thread, i have been paying more attention to Leo and chairs - but i have to say - i've not seen it - maybe i've just not been looking carefully enough.

Do you know any episodes that feature examples?

Maria :star:
You know i was flicking channels yesterday and i saw Leo hid a demon with a chair!!! Just reminded me about this thread :D
i'm definetly beginning to see what you meant.

Yesterday i watched him fight off Baltazar with a folding chair in Power Outage:D And today i was watching Womb Raider and he did it again to The Tall Man. :D

LOL Poor Leo, maybe they need to teach how to actually fight :D
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