scifi channel hosts online chat with shanks


"don't feed the doc!"
May 23, 2001
looks like shanks has finished hibernating; he's back, and the scifi channel will host an online chat with him on

MARCH 20, 2003, 9 PM (ET) 6 PM (PT)

the link to go with this event is CHAT


alas, the infos are not up yet. so keep checking back.

the doc

Thanks for posting that, Doc!

That's the night before "Full Circle" airs [the season ender]. It should be an interesting chat. For information on how to join in the chat, read Sci'Fi's Chat FAQ here.

FC has already aired, and I imagine most Americans can d/l it. Unless I've missed something??

Yes, it's been shown in the UK and I've had a chance to see it on 'squinty vision', but the main Sci-Fi showing is the 21st for North America.

I know I'm looking forward to seeing it on something other than a 3x3" square. ;)

Well that was disappointing/annoying.

Anyone know why? Was it just that the servers kept crashing and it was all upto technical difficulties or what?

:: sighs ::
Wrod from the Mods...

Here's what the mods said [gleaned cut and paste from the chat room]:

" He's not hurt and it wasn't the server and it's nothing untoard folks. When the server goes down and we have our guest, we just take up where we left off when the server come back.

You guys didn't crash us. I probably cashed us when I opened the floor again with a big crows -- all of whm started talking at once :}

He just had some lst minute scheduling problems. We'll post the rescheduled time when we work it out with Michael's people."

So, there it is. Considering it was around 6:15 PM his time [and my time] when the chat was called off, it could have been a conflict caused by a late shooting day. It isn't too uncommon for them to shoot well into the evening. And I would imagine with RDA's shortened shooting schedule, a Thursday night could fall victum to this. I will post more if I hear it.


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