Calling All Spike Fans!


May 22, 2002
Hi all,
I hope that you don't mind me posting this here:)

Seeing how BtVS as we know it, is ending this season, and the certainty of a 'spin off' is still up in the air, now is the time to let the suits at UPN know that people are unwilling to give up on the world of Sunnydale and the character of Spike!

Lumily, who originated this idea, has given me permission to repost this.


And now for something completely different.
Want to start writing some post cards? Oh why not?

For those of you that are interested, here's why it's important to start writing these postcards NOW. The Variety ad' Thanking James Marsters for his portrayal of Spike, will come out on March 24th, (if this person at Variety will get back to me about scheduling it ), and that is the day before the new BtVS episode (7.17) airs. The timing couldn't be better since James is all over this episode.

So if you have some extra time, write a few postcards to this address and include the following information.

c/o UPN
11800 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025

On the back of that post card write,

We want a Spike led spinoff. If UPN buys it we will watch it! We love Spike!

Then add your name and age to show them what demographic you represent. It's very simple and it's just more support for James.

Don't believe the people who say that writing to the networks doesn't work, those are the people that don't know jack.

Write if you want more Spike!!


Please spread the word around other message boards and Forums!

It certainly can't hurt and all it will cost you is the price of a postage stamp and postcard!
A group named "Thank You James Ad Campaign" has bought a full-page ad in the Hollywood entertainment newspaper, Daily Variety.

The ad reads:

Over the course of six years, as Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we watched as you took a monster and made him into a man.

You delighted us, thrilled us, made us laugh, and broke our hearts, but above all, you made us believe.

The many fans of James Marsters the world over would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his invaluable contributions to the universe of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and his unflagging generosity towards his fans.

Hear! Hear! :cool:

The man is an artistic genius!

Would I make a website about him if he wasn't?

Not to mention, he's the whole reason I'm a Buffy fan anyway -

Numfar - do the dance of congratulatory celebration! :D
On the subject of the Variety ad: has posted a picture of the full-page ad as it appeared in the tabloid.

--> LOOK HERE <--

Really cool! Wish I had seen the full-size version.
I think he did -- and I wanna say he commented on it - and someone posted it somewhere -- but I'll be darned if I can recall any of that info -- the what, where, etc..........

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