5.18: Cat House


It goes on.....
Apr 22, 2001
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Remarkably Good Flashback Episode

The is episode is amazing because it was well scripted and edited using both current and flashback episodes, intermixing the two with great effect. Unlike the earlier Star Trek episodes and the usual flashback, regurgitation of other series, Charmed was able to kept a fresh and tight plot going without being dull and boring. The end ties up a nice loose end about cats. This was a solid episode completed with a great sense of coordination, dedication to quality and editing.

There were the obvious remake scenes...too bad the special effects couldn't have overlaid the current and past episodes a tad better. However, one of the best uses of flashbacks I've seen on television.

i agree completely. I admit when it first started and Piper cast a spell to relive her memories i thought - great another cheesy clip show but it was really interesting and sweet for Paige to get a chance to catch up with Piper's life.

Plus we got a brief glimpse of Cole - how can i complain? ;)

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