I don't know if anybody's noticed this, but theres something I find neat about this show: Whenever we see ships cruising through space, they don't generate any "floosh" sound. As a matter of fact, there is absolutely no sound. I find this kind of cool, like a accurate portrayal of space travel. Since theres no sound in space, shows like Star Trek got it all wrong, because their ships and the sounds of their engines can be heard while in space.
BTW, I still enjoy hearing lasers and engines and all that fun stuff in space(SW without any sound in space would just be weird, and I think everybody would agree), but Firefly doesn't need that stuff, which was a welcome change.
Hopefully what Im saying makes sense. Thanks
BTW, I still enjoy hearing lasers and engines and all that fun stuff in space(SW without any sound in space would just be weird, and I think everybody would agree), but Firefly doesn't need that stuff, which was a welcome change.
Hopefully what Im saying makes sense. Thanks