2.25: Bounty


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
from TrekToday
Captain Archer will reportedly be captured by a bounty hunter after the Klingon Empire puts a price on his head.

Will air in an Enterprise double-bill with the season finale on May 21.

From the details of the finale, this story will dovetail with that one.
hmmm, I guess I'd better go back & finish watching the ep...I fell asleep halfway through...
Originally posted by skoon
hmmm, I guess I'd better go back & finish watching the ep...I fell asleep halfway through...

Really, I thought it was one of the better ones.

This was due to a number of reasons:

Firstly, I was impressed by what they did with the Tellarite make-up. They were easily recognisable as Tellerites, and yet it was completely different and much more realistic than the old pig mask. They looked more like Lions.

Secondly, the Pon Far. If they didn't do that soon, fans would begin to ask about it, like they did in 'Voyager'. They've got it out of the way now (maybe? it was prematurely activated due to the infection) But, this being 'Enterprise', they've done it so that none of the crew apart from Phlox is any wiser. The rest just think T'Pol acted a little odd, and they already thought that anyway. I just thought that was a clever move.

I also liked Archer as the action-hero. It wasn't too far fetched for him to overcome 5 Klingons like he did, and it was good to see him out of the Captain's chair.

The episode was exciting, well paced and passed very quickly. I've enjoyed the last part of this season much, much more than the first. Next week is the last one, but looking forward to next year now. If anyone stopped watching 'Enterprise' half way through this season I would recommend them to come back.
As this raised some questions and observations I must have managed to stay awake for this one!

Actually parts of it, like the curates egg, were quite good.

Just that of the three prongs of the story, Archer trying to escape, Trip and Reed trying to find him and T'Pot trying to breed. The two main ones did not sit well together.
Lacing a hormonally rampant T'Pot with Archers little predicament got irritating.
I can understand them not wanting a compost Vulcan on the Bridge to look after Trip and Reed. But it managed to make their problems finding Archer irrelevant (as well as miraculous).

Of course, I dare say there are some that found Archer's problems an irritating interuption for T'Pot. And to those I ask, what is it that Phlox has, that the pretty boys Trip and Reed don't with women? He must have to beat them back with a stick at home!

Thinking of Vulcans. I had been led to believe that it was only Vulcan males that suffered seven year itch?
Now we find Vulcan females suffer the same problems.
Mr Vulcan having spent 7 years building upto the event, not only has the potential frustration of Mrs Vulcan saying 'Not tonight Dear. I have a headache!' But there is worse than one in 7 year chance she won't be able to anyhow!
Doesn't bode well for the success of the race?

Final thought:
Aren't Klingon handcuffs useless?
The fashion accessory Archer was wearing barely required a picklock to remove. Still if they had use something as effective as a platic cable tie he wouldn't have been left with something to beat the Klingons with :)
Great observations!

I'm not sure I agree about the three story prongs not sitting together, but I understand what you mean.

Originally posted by ray gower
what is it that Phlox has, that the pretty boys Trip and Reed don't with women? He must have to beat them back with a stick at home!

She seemed to find his exo-skeletal spine erotic. But his toes are a complete turn off.

Originally posted by ray gower
I had been led to believe that it was only Vulcan males that suffered seven year itch?..... .....potential frustration of Mrs Vulcan saying 'Not tonight Dear. I have a headache!'

I think you are correct that it has only been shown in Vulcan males. It's does seem to make an already complicated mating even harder. Maybe when Vulcans are paired up, they synchronise their cycles. T'Pring and Spock were betrothed as children. Somewhere out there there must be a Vulcan male looking for T'Pol at the same time.
Originally posted by Dave
I think you are correct that it has only been shown in Vulcan males. It's does seem to make an already complicated mating even harder. Maybe when Vulcans are paired up, they synchronise their cycles. T'Pring and Spock were betrothed as children. Somewhere out there there must be a Vulcan male looking for T'Pol at the same time.
If I recall, T'Pring did not appear to be particularly hormone challenged when she had Kirk and Spock knock seven bells out of each other. Cool and calculating yes, but not rampant.

Perhaps the Pon-Far'less one lays back and thinks of Vulcan?

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