Hi, Im new but I would like to put in my rating's on all 9 of the Animatrix's and they are rated out of 10...
FINAL FLIGHT OF THE OSIRIS : As you can tell by the why this is Animated this was made by Square USA, on a another note the Captain if the ship is the same guy from the "Final Fantasy Movie" and the same voice. This gives a good detailed description of the events that lead up to the "Matrix Reloaded" and the video game "Enter The Matrix". It starts of with the dude and the chick fighting in a Matrix simulater and then all hell breaks loose as their ship is attacked and they are drawn to the suface were they discover a machine army burring down to Zion , they drop a package into the Matrix and thats were the video game starts off.....RATING=9/10...Very good action scence's and good death scence's aswell (Not to be Barbaric or anything)....Dont want to spoil it too muych for use who havnt seeen it.
THE SECOND RENAISSANCE PARTS I & II : This tells us about the events that happened before the first "Matrix" movie. It starts of with "Man" creating machine's to do mans bidding, until one machine kills his owner and his friend, the machine is ovcourse sentanced to death which then leads on to alot of angry and ****ed off machines. The machines stage martches and all that other stuff that people do when they think that they are being repressed, these martches get voilant and "Man" thinks now that the machines are too much trouble so they start to kill them and desemble most of them. They dump the scrap robots in to the ocean and into pits to get rid of them but the other robots who are still arround set up their own country somewhere in Europe or Africa (round about that area) called "01", this is a place where the machines could call home. They tried to get into the United Nations but they got rejected. The machines started to produce better AI and better machines which let to the growth of 01's economy and the decline in every other country's swell. Ovcourse this ****es humanity off and the started naval blockades and all that other stuff and a full on WAR breaks loose, to put it simply humanatiy gets their asses kicked to say the least and the machines start spreading like Rabbits in mating season . So the humans dark out the sky in order to block the sun because thats were the machines get their energy from, and when this happens the machines need to find another way to get energy, hence they turn humans into batteries and the create the "Matrix" to keep us inprisioned in. The find a way to grow us and they eventual capture all the humans of the planet and imprisiones them aswell....So basically it goes like this, MAN CREATES MACHINES = MACHINES KICK THE **** OUTA MAN, yeah that sounds like it.......RATING = 10/10....these are the best ones out of all of them, tells a good story and also some good battle sequences. It also returns to the typical Japanese style anime..ROCK ON !!!!!!!!
KID'S STORY = This is basically the story of a kid who becomes aware of the "Matrix's" exsitance, he acts alot like Neo when he was in the Fake world (sits at his computer all night). He makes contact with Neo on his computer and has a 2 line chat with him (Things like..."is this real" and all that other stuff). He goes to school and he is confronted by 3 agents who know that he Know's (Imagine that, your sitting in maths, you look out the window and you see 3 agents pointing a gun at you...Help). They chase him on his skateboared for a couple of minutes then he climbs to the top of the school and jumps...idoit. He then wakes up with Neo looking over him. I must say that I was disappointed with the animation in this one, it didnt seem right. it as a good story with some good chase music but the animation let it down I thought....RATING = 7/10....good story but as I have said the animation was..well...**** !!!!!, thats just my opinion ovcourse
PROGRAM = This I thought had know point to it at all, it had no relation to the story line of the "Matrix" or did it satisfy my teenage need to break something. It is a good return to the good old japanese days of fighting animes with it being set in a kinda Japanese Dojo/Town kind of thing. It is just this white haired women who is fighting this other guy in a sparring program and the guy wants her to return to the "Matrix" with him and to just to forget about the Real world. This doesnt sit well with the chick and a good fight takes place were she ends up breaking the top half of the guys sword of and stabbing him in then neck with it....anything for some attention . She wake up and finds out that it was all a test, she's not best pleased....RATING 8/10....Very good fighting scence's with a top class animation ratio, but the only thing that let this down was the concept of the thing....Still a very good one too watch !!
WORLD RECORD = This is another one that I saw no minimum point in. It is about a World Record holder runner who is desperate to beat his own record. Most of the people who find out about the "Matrix" are usually people who question reallity and its scence, however there are a very small number of people who find out about due to pushing themselves too hard and they overflow the boundries of the "Matrix"..this guy is one of them. He starts of his race and he is really goin like a champion I'll tell you that but then his leg muscle spasms out (good anime effect when that happens by the way) and he falls behind, but then he picks himself up and keeps running through the pain then he is just about to cross the finish line when he wakes up in the real world. A machine craps him, shocks him with something and then he is flung back in were he left off and he falls over the line breaking his record....and also his legs. There are some guys chasing him and watching him when this is going on but I dont know what that is about....RATING 5/10...Not a very good story and neither is it exciting enough to keep me awake, the animation is good though but the other things give it a low rating.
BEYOND = This one I liked. It is set in the middle of a city and there is an error in the "Matrix" which causes this abandoned (I wouldnt call it a house) house/rubble pit. A girl losses her cat and some boys tell her that the cat is over at the haunted house, so she goes over with them and theirs alot of weirds **** happening over there. They smash a glass bottle then it stops in mid-smashing then it goes back together, the kids jump of the building and they land just about a centimeter of the ground and they float,they make a contest out of it hahahaha. But the agents and the "Matrix" programmers are now aware of it and they change the site to something different and then all the weird stuff stops. It looked fun aswell, jumping of walls and stuff.....RATING 8.5/10....a really good story concept in it and some pretty good animation to go along with it, if you like fighting and action animes this one isnt for you, but if you like to understand more about the "Matrix" then this one you will like.
A DETECTIVE STORY = This is the first and only appereance that Trinity makes in the "Animatrix" series. It is about a Detective who is hired to find the Computer hacker called...you guessed it "Trinity". We do not know who hired him at the start but I think it was the agents. He tracks a number of leads he has until he meets her on a computer and she tells him to meet her on a train. They meet but they are confronted by 3 agents (Why is it always 3 agents not maybe 5 or something), they run until he begins to change into one and Trinity shoots him to stop the transformation, I think Trinity was planning to take him to the real world but he didnt have what it takes. the animation is Black & White which sucked but it is also set in a kind a 70's kind of look which I didnt really understand, although it would explain why they made it black and white to begin with so you could get into the timeframe of things. At the strart I said that this is the only one were she makes an apperearance well she makes a voice appereance in "KID STORY"...sorry...RATING 7/10...A good enough story and some good shooting at the end but the Black & White feature I thought ruined it although it did add an extra touch to the 1970 atmosphere in the story which was a nice touch !!!
MATRICULATED = This is really a story which is set in the real world and not in the "Matrix". It is about a team of humans who capture machine sentinals and other kind of machine robots and the change them from being againts them to fight with them which is an interesting concept to say the least. They capture this machine and they plug it into a simulator and they must try and convince it to fight on the side of the humans and not the machines. When they are all in the program it gets a bit comfusing and colourfull is putting it mildly, they try and show it what the machine race is like and how it should fight with them, well at leats thats the impression I got when I watch it. When all of a sudden they are attacked by machines in the "Real World" and all the machines that they have changed go into a battle which doesnt last very long and you see both sites getting polvirised including the humans aswell were as the new recruit then suddenly plugs itself and one of the women back into the simulator once the battle is finished..I didnt understand why it did that to tell you the truth....RATING 7/10.....A good angle on how to fight the machines with machines but at the end of it it didnt really work out well for the machines or the humans. The animation was good quallity and the story was intersting, fight seens werent that bad either..enjoy !!!!
I Hope that this information on the "Animarix" is of value to someone (Hopfully ), my opinion is that to by the DVD or VHS is well worth the money.
I know that their a proberly some Grammer mistakes in their somewhere but I didnt have time to look over it myself.
Sorry for some of the "swearing", I get kinda emotional about things that anoy me...Sorry !!!!!
PS - My hands hurt like Hell

FINAL FLIGHT OF THE OSIRIS : As you can tell by the why this is Animated this was made by Square USA, on a another note the Captain if the ship is the same guy from the "Final Fantasy Movie" and the same voice. This gives a good detailed description of the events that lead up to the "Matrix Reloaded" and the video game "Enter The Matrix". It starts of with the dude and the chick fighting in a Matrix simulater and then all hell breaks loose as their ship is attacked and they are drawn to the suface were they discover a machine army burring down to Zion , they drop a package into the Matrix and thats were the video game starts off.....RATING=9/10...Very good action scence's and good death scence's aswell (Not to be Barbaric or anything)....Dont want to spoil it too muych for use who havnt seeen it.
THE SECOND RENAISSANCE PARTS I & II : This tells us about the events that happened before the first "Matrix" movie. It starts of with "Man" creating machine's to do mans bidding, until one machine kills his owner and his friend, the machine is ovcourse sentanced to death which then leads on to alot of angry and ****ed off machines. The machines stage martches and all that other stuff that people do when they think that they are being repressed, these martches get voilant and "Man" thinks now that the machines are too much trouble so they start to kill them and desemble most of them. They dump the scrap robots in to the ocean and into pits to get rid of them but the other robots who are still arround set up their own country somewhere in Europe or Africa (round about that area) called "01", this is a place where the machines could call home. They tried to get into the United Nations but they got rejected. The machines started to produce better AI and better machines which let to the growth of 01's economy and the decline in every other country's swell. Ovcourse this ****es humanity off and the started naval blockades and all that other stuff and a full on WAR breaks loose, to put it simply humanatiy gets their asses kicked to say the least and the machines start spreading like Rabbits in mating season . So the humans dark out the sky in order to block the sun because thats were the machines get their energy from, and when this happens the machines need to find another way to get energy, hence they turn humans into batteries and the create the "Matrix" to keep us inprisioned in. The find a way to grow us and they eventual capture all the humans of the planet and imprisiones them aswell....So basically it goes like this, MAN CREATES MACHINES = MACHINES KICK THE **** OUTA MAN, yeah that sounds like it.......RATING = 10/10....these are the best ones out of all of them, tells a good story and also some good battle sequences. It also returns to the typical Japanese style anime..ROCK ON !!!!!!!!
KID'S STORY = This is basically the story of a kid who becomes aware of the "Matrix's" exsitance, he acts alot like Neo when he was in the Fake world (sits at his computer all night). He makes contact with Neo on his computer and has a 2 line chat with him (Things like..."is this real" and all that other stuff). He goes to school and he is confronted by 3 agents who know that he Know's (Imagine that, your sitting in maths, you look out the window and you see 3 agents pointing a gun at you...Help). They chase him on his skateboared for a couple of minutes then he climbs to the top of the school and jumps...idoit. He then wakes up with Neo looking over him. I must say that I was disappointed with the animation in this one, it didnt seem right. it as a good story with some good chase music but the animation let it down I thought....RATING = 7/10....good story but as I have said the animation was..well...**** !!!!!, thats just my opinion ovcourse
PROGRAM = This I thought had know point to it at all, it had no relation to the story line of the "Matrix" or did it satisfy my teenage need to break something. It is a good return to the good old japanese days of fighting animes with it being set in a kinda Japanese Dojo/Town kind of thing. It is just this white haired women who is fighting this other guy in a sparring program and the guy wants her to return to the "Matrix" with him and to just to forget about the Real world. This doesnt sit well with the chick and a good fight takes place were she ends up breaking the top half of the guys sword of and stabbing him in then neck with it....anything for some attention . She wake up and finds out that it was all a test, she's not best pleased....RATING 8/10....Very good fighting scence's with a top class animation ratio, but the only thing that let this down was the concept of the thing....Still a very good one too watch !!
WORLD RECORD = This is another one that I saw no minimum point in. It is about a World Record holder runner who is desperate to beat his own record. Most of the people who find out about the "Matrix" are usually people who question reallity and its scence, however there are a very small number of people who find out about due to pushing themselves too hard and they overflow the boundries of the "Matrix"..this guy is one of them. He starts of his race and he is really goin like a champion I'll tell you that but then his leg muscle spasms out (good anime effect when that happens by the way) and he falls behind, but then he picks himself up and keeps running through the pain then he is just about to cross the finish line when he wakes up in the real world. A machine craps him, shocks him with something and then he is flung back in were he left off and he falls over the line breaking his record....and also his legs. There are some guys chasing him and watching him when this is going on but I dont know what that is about....RATING 5/10...Not a very good story and neither is it exciting enough to keep me awake, the animation is good though but the other things give it a low rating.
BEYOND = This one I liked. It is set in the middle of a city and there is an error in the "Matrix" which causes this abandoned (I wouldnt call it a house) house/rubble pit. A girl losses her cat and some boys tell her that the cat is over at the haunted house, so she goes over with them and theirs alot of weirds **** happening over there. They smash a glass bottle then it stops in mid-smashing then it goes back together, the kids jump of the building and they land just about a centimeter of the ground and they float,they make a contest out of it hahahaha. But the agents and the "Matrix" programmers are now aware of it and they change the site to something different and then all the weird stuff stops. It looked fun aswell, jumping of walls and stuff.....RATING 8.5/10....a really good story concept in it and some pretty good animation to go along with it, if you like fighting and action animes this one isnt for you, but if you like to understand more about the "Matrix" then this one you will like.
A DETECTIVE STORY = This is the first and only appereance that Trinity makes in the "Animatrix" series. It is about a Detective who is hired to find the Computer hacker called...you guessed it "Trinity". We do not know who hired him at the start but I think it was the agents. He tracks a number of leads he has until he meets her on a computer and she tells him to meet her on a train. They meet but they are confronted by 3 agents (Why is it always 3 agents not maybe 5 or something), they run until he begins to change into one and Trinity shoots him to stop the transformation, I think Trinity was planning to take him to the real world but he didnt have what it takes. the animation is Black & White which sucked but it is also set in a kind a 70's kind of look which I didnt really understand, although it would explain why they made it black and white to begin with so you could get into the timeframe of things. At the strart I said that this is the only one were she makes an apperearance well she makes a voice appereance in "KID STORY"...sorry...RATING 7/10...A good enough story and some good shooting at the end but the Black & White feature I thought ruined it although it did add an extra touch to the 1970 atmosphere in the story which was a nice touch !!!
MATRICULATED = This is really a story which is set in the real world and not in the "Matrix". It is about a team of humans who capture machine sentinals and other kind of machine robots and the change them from being againts them to fight with them which is an interesting concept to say the least. They capture this machine and they plug it into a simulator and they must try and convince it to fight on the side of the humans and not the machines. When they are all in the program it gets a bit comfusing and colourfull is putting it mildly, they try and show it what the machine race is like and how it should fight with them, well at leats thats the impression I got when I watch it. When all of a sudden they are attacked by machines in the "Real World" and all the machines that they have changed go into a battle which doesnt last very long and you see both sites getting polvirised including the humans aswell were as the new recruit then suddenly plugs itself and one of the women back into the simulator once the battle is finished..I didnt understand why it did that to tell you the truth....RATING 7/10.....A good angle on how to fight the machines with machines but at the end of it it didnt really work out well for the machines or the humans. The animation was good quallity and the story was intersting, fight seens werent that bad either..enjoy !!!!
I Hope that this information on the "Animarix" is of value to someone (Hopfully ), my opinion is that to by the DVD or VHS is well worth the money.
I know that their a proberly some Grammer mistakes in their somewhere but I didnt have time to look over it myself.
Sorry for some of the "swearing", I get kinda emotional about things that anoy me...Sorry !!!!!
PS - My hands hurt like Hell