
Sam O'Neill

!!!Top Chic!!!
May 7, 2001
hi everyone! i know this is probably such a common question but nehoot...

do you know anywhere that will be posting the new stargate episodes for download once thet have aired in the US?? if not does anyone have kazaa? Maybe it could possibly be shared on kazaa?? please reply to this!

Sam O'neill :D
They are now out there on Kazaa and BitTorrent [another form of file sharing, but these are BIG files - 600MB and up]. Also, I've seen copies of the "Stargate Lowdown" roaming around.

i am on Kazza and have the first 4 episodes on there.. obviously they are there just for people who would like to back up
Kazaa vrs Kazaa-Lite

Kazaa lite doesn't have the 'spy ware' in it: that sneaky software that sends out info on your PC and it's use to another person.

I've been getting into torrents receantly and *love* the clarity. But than, these are usually 5-700MB files that get burned off as XVCD's [DVD playable CD's].

not kazaa

kazaa is not as good as winmx, i've got fallen and homecoming and there are no ques

Everyone has their favorites. ;)

Hi Everyone!

My question is:
Can I download Stargate Sg1 - Season 7 - episode 12,13,14...etc?
And if I can, where? Because I havent find them yet!!

Rest of S7

No, not yet. S7-#12 -Evolution Part II shows Monday evening in the UK but not until Jan. in the US and Canada.

And that's the last the UK get until the New Year too.

BTW I missed 'Avenger 2.0' could someone PM me a hyperlink in the right direction, if you know what I mean :wink2:

(And I have a dial-up connection, so squinty-vision only, and no 3-hour downloads please, sometimes my wife wants to use the phone, so inconsiderate of her. :rolleyes: )

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