5.03: Ensign Ro


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Picard is a Federation authority on Bajoran archaeology, history and culture. He says that he has studied Bajor since 5th grade. You would at least expect him to be able to pronounce Bajor correctly. (He keeps saying Bajar.) :D

You see, it's not just 'Enterprise' they always had problems with continuity.

Apart from that, this is a really great episode. Not only do we learn much about Ensign Ro and Bajor, but it probably gives more insight into Guinan than any other episode.

When Geordi says that Ro doesn't belong in a Starfleet uniform Guinan responds "Sounds like someone I'd like to know!"

She reveals to Ro how she was once in serious trouble, but that Picard helped her.

And Picard only begins to change his mind about Ro, once Guinan tells him to listen to her.
Hey I just watched (or rather half-watched) this episode too!

The pronunciation thing really got on my nerves - were they also using "Bajora" as the plural of Bajoran? Disconcerting to say the least.

I found it interesting how you can tell Major Kira's character was supposed to be Ro - they didn't really go for much variety in the characterisation of the replacement, did they? No offense to Ms Visitor of course :D

She reveals to Ro how she was once in serious trouble, but that Picard helped her.
My TNG continuity is rather off - she said "A long time ago.." when she mentioned this mysterious incident. Was it something to do with travelling back to the Wild West? Or that kind of era, anyway. And Data's head? Feels familiar, and she seemed to put a subtle emphasis on the phrase I quoted.

There were some really good moments in this episode. The actress who played Ro really is very good (honest, I have seen her in some other stuff, and she's been great) and her scenes with Picard were pretty heartfelt for TNG. When she was described how she felt as she watched her father tortured was a particularly good scene.

A good episode, but I missed bits and pieces and I am a little confused. Is the Admiral really that stupid? Picard has been known to disobey direct orders on occasion and there is no way he would pull back and allow those people to be killed by the Cardassians. Surely the Admiral could have covered his tracks a bit better :rolleyes:

But that and the pronunciation thing are my only real problems with this ep.

And i am looking forward to seeing the ep in which Geordie ends up on that dreaded away mission with Ro (you, know, the one where they can walk thru walls and stuff).
Originally posted by Tabitha
she said "A long time ago.." when she mentioned this mysterious incident. Was it something to do with travelling back to the Wild West? Or that kind of era, anyway. And Data's head?

I seriously doubt that when they came to write TNG 'Times Arrow' that they went back and looked at this episode and tried to tie them together. If only they would think like that! No, I think it refers to some other incident, that we have never seen. I remember somewhere that Guinan knew Picard when he was on the USS Stargazer, so I think we are talking decades rather than Centuries.

RE: Starfleet Admirals:- Yes I think they are all stupid. (Commodores are even worse.)

Admiral Janeway is an exception of course!
Perhaps the pronounciation is class driven? Like Hersmoncieu or Collingbourne Ducis. If one is posh one comes from Doo-cis whilst the peasants are from Duckis.

I also thought about Times Arrow when Guinan sommented, but my memory suggests it was getting Picard out of the pooh., so I wonder if Generations might be a better incident.

Doesn't Ro do a bunk later on, joining the Maqui?
So perhaps not a great template for Major Kira?

In defence of Admirals and their stupidity.
In the real world, after you hit Captain, the job becomes ever more political, with all the implications that involves matched with the unfortunate idea that people do as they are told. Consequently they become a little eccentric.
Failing that listen to the Navy Lark ;)
And Janeway added her own brand of eccentricity
Originally posted by Tabitha
The pronunciation thing really got on my nerves - were they also using "Bajora" as the plural of Bajoran? Disconcerting to say the least.

I think that was just an early version that they decided (wisely) to junk. Watch some early TOS episodes and you'll hear Spock called a "Vulcanian" :eek:

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