Proposal for Rp section


Its been a while...
Jul 4, 2001
Propsal for Rp section

i propose we have an RP section for Lessons and Clubs and Randomness.. you must stay in Hogwarts Character in there though... if we do i wish to start
The DA
Does HP have a 'fic' section?? If so -- this would fit there, b/c that's kinda what it would be -- I know, it's not entirely the same, but it could just be a thread in the fic section ----

It's a cool idea though!! Give it a shot!! :)
hmmmm maybe but that means putting lessons, Duels, Randomness and Clubs all into 1 thread itll et confusing
not really - you could put separate threads - and they can be 'stuck' to the top of the section so they don't get lost --

this way, you can also gauge the interest to see if a whole new section would be feasible ----

So - if you want - make the threads and I'll sticky them for you - ;)
~does do~
you know as creator of this forum and the fact ive never abbandoned it it would be nice to be a mod....
erm just an idea :)
heh trunks... Well I'm here and I must say I can't wait to start playing but you need to organize it more. like start with a small summary of something happening in the thread. you need a cast list. Wich I'm planning on working on cuz we need to get it going.
Later we might be able to do alot more with it but for now I think we just might have a good start.

I'll see what I can do about making an RPG section a possibility. I haven't talked to Padders in ages....;):D
Is anyone else interested in playing? so far it's Trunks, you (Asmiley) and me (there might be a couple others, but they haven't posted) --- anyone else up to play? There are lots of characters left!
I've already pmed asmiley bout a part and gave her a bio, and got the go-ahead, I'm just waiting for her to add my name to the list :D
im always up for this kinda stuff, cant promise i will be around all the time, but ill do my best:):rolly2:
Well tim you're Dumbly dore so you should post as him.:):wave:

And GO arcy! cuz your Draco this is goinng to be interesting. and hey We can't take anything our characters say to each other personally you know cuz they're enemies and all.:rolleyes: :D

AND I still need a character from Vanessa, but she's said she wants to play too.
So, did you want a separate forum for this stuff that's kind of taken over General Discussions? I'm still not clear how you will get it to work...

If you are in a lesson, posting in the lesson thread, then you leave the room, where do you post next?

If you post in an existing thread will the two timelines match? Or are you going to be playing in 'real time' with everyone on line at once?

Anyway, I'm happy to make a forum. Hope that it works out!
Yay It'd be great to have it be a seperate section Dave! and Once you leave lessons you go to the general thread or you can go to the next lesson in the lesson thread adn time is there's three lessons a day so for as long as it takes to get through three lessons is the day. I'll make up a time schedule later.;)

anyways thanks!
It is done!

I'm not sure that I moved all the right threads though, can you check that out. Do the Quidditch Games and Duelling Section belong here too?
~was sure he creatyed the RP: Duelling and RP:Quidditch Threads for thsi part too~
heh ok thats good.. now we need ppl to begin RPing :) the first lesson is going well ^.^

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