I dunno if this is going of topic, but I don't think so... If Jack is premoted too General..... wait, I just have to write this.
General Jack O'Neill :rolly2:
Sorry, hadda get that outta my system.

Okay, so Jack is being premoted to General. Now, as far as I'm aware, they don't let General's into combat if they can help it. So it stands to reason that Jack will be taken off Sg-1. Right? Possibly to command the SGC.. which means that Hammond could be standing down.. which in itself if depressing.
Anyways, so Jack is no longer Sg-1's commander. Who are they going to replace him? Sam? That is the most likely asumption, BUT, in Shades of Grey, when Jack left and they needed a new commander, and Danny suggested Sam, she responds with, "I think they'd go with someone higher then Major."
... Is five years too soon for Sam to get another premotion too? *g*
Also, if Jack leaves SG-1, they are going to need a new member. Another possiblity for Jonas? I doubt it... Jonas is bascially Danny's character, and the two of them running around to gether is going to give us all a headache.. Janet? If she's still around.... they may like to bring a field doctor with them.. with Sg-1's track record you'd think they'd thought of it sooner.....
Anyways, my real gripe about Jack's premotion is that I find Jack is too implusive, too driven by emotion to lead a base like that properly. He makes judgements based on his 'biased' opinion - and is far too eger to blow things up.
This, while fine when in the field, is not the sort of person you want in command of a base facility..
And as for his diplomacy skills...... *isn't going to comment*
...or maybe I'm just reading into this too much?