[No Spoilers] What would you LIKE to see in Angel Season 5?


Save Angel!
Jun 13, 2001
Okay, the only uncovered spoilers allowed in this thread are about the main cast changes.

Other than that this should be speculation folks - please cover any spoilers up.



Okay, just wanted to make sure I did that - really didn't want to ruin it for anyone that didn't know Cordy and Conner were bumped, and Spike was making his way to the City of Angel.

So what would you like to see in Angel Season Five?

If we put aside for now the fact that we are probably going to see various Buffy characters turn up, I would just like to recognise the fact that Angel the Series has a pretty large cast of back characters to chose from if they wanted to follow up on any old stories. There are so many characters that I would like to catch up with.

Where's Kate? What happened to Dru? (actually - I really can't remember what happened to Dru??) What about Lindsay? Could Holland Manners ever make another appearance? Surely Gwen Raiden has got to come back for more supercharged action? Would there be any point to having a visit from Groo without Cordelia around? Or maybe that's how they'll write her out?

Would anyone else except me like to see Connor come back with a rewritten personality? He seemed like "Mr-Well-Adjusted" in the Season Four finale, so perhaps he could come back and be cool again.

As for Buffy-stuff, I would rather see the minor characters turn up than Buffy, Willow or Xander (although it would be very cool to see how Giles and Wes get along now) my dream would be to see Whistler again. Remember him? He was the proto-Doyle, and was the guy sent to sort Angel out and get him on the right track.
Faith and Wood would make an interesting cameo - Angel has been such a big brother to her for the past few years it might be interesting to see how he reacted to her new boyfriend.

And they just have to deal with all the new slayerettes kicking about. Something that big can't go unreferenced, can it?

I'd also like to see some more Firefly alums make an appearance. I can totally imagine Ron Glass being a great bad character in Angel.

Remember how Angel has those special windows now? How about some naked sunbathing? ;) Seriously, if you have only briefly seen the sun in a couple of hundred years, I reckon you might do something that nuts.

Any other ideas?
