Jack VS Daniel 2nd round

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lost in Time
Jan 30, 2001
I go to Acen every year. and now I go to 2 scifi c
Well Daniel won so it's only fair to have a rematch for those Jack fans who jsut can't believe that Daniel*sigh* ... Oh sorry where was I oh yeah can beat Jack.:lol: So for all our Fantalk pleasure here is the new poll. Starting form scratch but then heh it's all good cuz we know Daniel will jsut win again.:D;)
Daniel may won on line,
but he will never win
my heart, and my
heart only belongs
to Jack:)

And to me thats the only thing
that counts:)


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I just couldn't help myself....I voted for both. The more I watch, the more Jack grows on me. Jack's humor and Daniel's heart. Tough pair to beat.
No need to ask who I voted for LOL


annette :p
Me Neither, It is pretty obvious

GO JACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Arc_Angel

GO JACK!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey! Unkind, Arc Angel! :eek: :(

Jack and Daniel are very close friends. ;) Whatever else Jack might do with Danny's ass, I'm sure kicking it would come a lo-o-ong way down the list. :D

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
:eek: Happy!! dirty mind

lol I was just getting into the spirit of things, sos :D

Oooo Jack is leading, YEY!!!
Originally posted by Arc_Angel

:eek: Happy!! dirty mind

Um, whose mind would that be? Mine? .....Or yours? :naughty: :lol:

lol I was just getting into the spirit of things, sos :D

Oooo Jack is leading, YEY!!!

I think it would be very nice to wait until the scores are equal and then close the poll. I like draws - er, that's when the score is level, so don't get your drawers in bunch. :laugh2: That way everyone wins and nobody loses. :D

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
Fond as I am of Jack, my vote still goes to Danny. Something about those blue eyes . . .
Drat it all! I clicked the wrong one! I clicked Daniel, but I meant to do "both". Were I in Florida I would demand a recount, but being that I am in Missouri I will settle for the fact that had "both" not been an option I would have picked Danny-boy.
He's still winning

*does funky dance*

Originally posted by Hatshepsut

Um, whose mind would that be? Mine? .....Or yours? :naughty: :lol:

Both lol :naughty: :laugh:
nono! you don't ask which is hotter you have to ask which you like more! Because Daniel is hotter, but Jack has the personality!! *cries* I don't know which one to vote for!
Originally posted by Tapestry_03
Drat it all! I clicked the wrong one! I clicked Daniel, but I meant to do "both". Were I in Florida I would demand a recount, but being that I am in Missouri I will settle for the fact that had "both" not been an option I would have picked Danny-boy.

:( does that mean you want me to put your vote to the both and taek it away from daniel?:( I-I :( please leave your vote I think it's better you voted for Daniel.;):D Cuz he's the best anyways.;) :D
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