Doctor Who 40th Anniversary

ray gower

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2001
Seems to be the week for anniversaries this week and some may have missed it is Doctor Who's 40th this week

Just to help make sure people don't miss anything the Radio Times has a complete section dedicated to the celebrations.
Features, a run down of celebratory programmes including radio shows (therefore accessible via the internet) and a chance to win your very own Dalek!

What more could you want?
Next weekend UK Gold is showing Dr Who all day back-to-back.

It will be the best three stories voted for each Doctor earlier in the year. The only problem is that due to the embargo there will be no Dalek stories shown. How can they even call them the best without any Daleks?
Weekend Schedule

UK Gold have now confirmed the schedule for this weekend exciting stuff;

1st Dr The Time Meddler
2nd Dr Tomb of the Cybermen
3rd Dr Daemons (The)
4th Dr Pryamids of Mars
5th Dr Caves of Androzani
6th Dr Attack of the Cybermen
7th Dr Dragonfire

It will be shown on Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd November and ill be on air between 7am and 7pm each day

As well as TV stories - Curse of Fatal Death will be shown and clips from Doctor Who Night too. The weekend will also include specially commissioned programming, comprising interviews with former Doctors, cast members and fans who will be reliving the lives and times of the Doctors.

Topics also covered include;

1963 - The Year it all began

The Music and Titles, including the contribution of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Andre Vincent - Comedy monologue about growing up with the female companions of Doctor Who

The Monsters - who did you hide behind the sofa from?

The First Female Doctor Who - Does that make her a Time Lady?

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