Did The Cybermen Inspire The "Borg" Race?


Faith Manages
Oct 15, 2003
Did The Cybermen inspire the "Borg" Race?

Moonbase Cybermen Attack < Click On Text


"Cybermen are biomechanical men from Mondas, a planet that originally existed in our solar system a long long time ago.... Initially humanoid, the people of Mondas replaced various body parts with robotic implants thus losing their humanity. Cybermen reproduce by converting other humanoids into faithful copies of themselves."
Yes they must have been an influence.

The way that they break out of their freezing chambers is just like the regeneration sequences of the Borg.

In the third Doctor episode 'Tomb of the Cybermen' a Cyberman can 'turn' a human just by touching him with his hand. Sounds familiar?

In the sixth Doctor episode 'Attack of the Cyberman' you see a man who has been augmented with cyber arms and legs, but the for whom the complete process didn't work. Sounds familiar? (They also travel back in time to destroy the Earth in that episode!)

If Doctor Who had been in production when ideas about nanobots surfaced, I'm sure that Cybermen would be even more similar to the Borg. Maybe they will update the Cybermen in the new series. Doctor Who needs good villians and i'm not sure if the problems with using the Daleks will be sorted out by then.
It is said that emulation is the most powerful flattery.

One of the beauties of Doctor Who is the overwhelming variety of strong aliens, some good, some not so good. It is a pity Star Trek hasn't borrowed a few more. Daleks in Star Trek anybody? Afterall they are short of a home at the moment?

But then the BBC never destroyed its menaces like Paramount does with Star Trek. So perhaps we should be grateful for small mercies
Think Trek did get the idea from Who! They would have to update
the Daleks & Cybermen for present day.My two favourite "baddies" Colin.<*>.
This question has been on my mind for a long time now.

(Oh I'm back, been away for a while. :) )

Speaking of Tomb Of The Cybermen, compare the Cybercontroller and the Borg Queen.


Notice how both the Cybercontoller and the Borg Queen look different and seperate from their fellow beings.

Cybercontroller had the "brain" headpiece and had no instrument panel on his front. Though in episodes after Tomb that changed and it just became a different color head piece and or lack of piping.

Notice the Borg Queen has no implants on her face and lack of attachments on her body, apart from the tubing on the top of her head.

So, a strong argument could be made the Borg were based on the Cybermen. Or at least a strong similarity.

Arguably the Daleks had this technology long before we see the Cybermen use it. Back in the William Hartnall days the Daleks created human hybrids called Robomen
The Robomen merely had a funny hat added to them to gain instant stupidity. A little like the Borg really ;)
I thought that the Robomen were just brainwashed. You could be easily 'turned' into a Roboman by putting your head inside a hairdryer-type machine. But apart from the funny hat and lack of any sense of humour, they seemed to be still human.
It's true that they were just under mind control but the Daleks were once normal people called Tharls. I can only assume that there must have been several stages of 'assimilation' to tranform them into full blown Daleks. Perhaps Robomen were the first stage of that process. As we know, Daleks were created originally to prolong the Tharl race and they gradually mutated over many years. Since then, however, we have seen the Daleks reproducing by deliberately mutating other people and directly tranforming them into Daleks. Robomen could easily be early experiments to that end, as they tried to reproduce Davros' creation.
Maybe, but why then the Roboman affection for Black Latex?

Or, is that something else that the Daleks discovered hidden deep within Davros' subconcious mind?

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